Event: QC'12
This year QuakeCon will be broadcasted by community-run organization Quake-live.tv. Everything starts tomorrow, so get ready to welcome the best casters of all time: Alex "Jehar" Popa, Stuart "Disrepute" Evans and Xavier "zoot" Dhorne."...The live broadcast of the QUAKE LIVE Duel Invitational Masters and the Intel QUAKE LIVE Capture the Flag Open will be available at www.quakelive.com with supplementary content, including highlights from the QUAKE LIVE Duel Open, syndicated on www.quake-live.tv. For European viewers, the broadcast will be recorded and replayed outside of tournament hours. The media team at Quake Live TV and their partners will also be capturing the energy and excitement of QuakeCon’s BYOC area with player interviews, behind-the-scenes coverage, and tournament broadcasts all streaming at 60fps."
Links: Official Statement, QuakeCon.org, Level Up TV, Quake-live.tv
Edited by xou at 06:59 CDT, 1 August 2012 - 47088 Hits