How do I use it?
Once you launched the program, just drag and drop a QL (dm_73) or Q3 (dm_68) demo. Use the slider to navigate through the demo. Set the timescale to your preference.
How does it work?
The program is a made of two components. First, a conversion library (originally written for the Uber Demo Tool) reads the demo data and stores it conveniently. Second, a 2D player visualizes the data.
Items and players appear/disappear... what's going on?
In Quake 3 and Quake Live, demos only record data relevant to your location. Players and items outside hear-range are not recorded. Since it is impossible to know with certainty what is going on with them, the program simply makes them fade out, until reliable information is available.
Why is the background gray?
Creating 2D visualizations takes time. Currently only a subset of all arenas have been created. Additional visualizations will come in the future (make sure to request your favorite maps, or help making the visualizations!). In the meanwhile, the program will still allow you to see players and items, over an empty background.
Can I use it to watch a game currently being played?
Not with this version of the program. See below for more details.
Where is the sound gone? I remember seeing videos that had it!
Sound has not been added yet. Those videos were edited with the in-game sound.
I want to know more about the project!
The Uber 2D Demo Viewer is part of the UberDemoTools project, now hosted on Google Code.
Once you launched the program, just drag and drop a QL (dm_73) or Q3 (dm_68) demo. Use the slider to navigate through the demo. Set the timescale to your preference.
How does it work?
The program is a made of two components. First, a conversion library (originally written for the Uber Demo Tool) reads the demo data and stores it conveniently. Second, a 2D player visualizes the data.
Items and players appear/disappear... what's going on?
In Quake 3 and Quake Live, demos only record data relevant to your location. Players and items outside hear-range are not recorded. Since it is impossible to know with certainty what is going on with them, the program simply makes them fade out, until reliable information is available.
Why is the background gray?
Creating 2D visualizations takes time. Currently only a subset of all arenas have been created. Additional visualizations will come in the future (make sure to request your favorite maps, or help making the visualizations!). In the meanwhile, the program will still allow you to see players and items, over an empty background.
Can I use it to watch a game currently being played?
Not with this version of the program. See below for more details.
Where is the sound gone? I remember seeing videos that had it!
Sound has not been added yet. Those videos were edited with the in-game sound.
I want to know more about the project!
The Uber 2D Demo Viewer is part of the UberDemoTools project, now hosted on Google Code.
Since this is the first release, we expect many bugs. Consider reporting any problem you experience by sending us a description of the problem, the context in which it happened, and possibly uploading the incriminating demo.
The following modes are currently supported:
Other modes may still be partially displayed.
The following maps will be displayed with a proper 2D visualization:
Thanks to Akuma for releasing a TDM Pack!
All other maps will currently be displayed with a default gray background.
- Duel
- CA
Other modes may still be partially displayed.
The following maps will be displayed with a proper 2D visualization:
- Aerowalk
- Battleforged
- Bloodrun
- Campgrounds
- Furiousheights
- Hektik
- Lostworld
- Toxicity
Thanks to Akuma for releasing a TDM Pack!
All other maps will currently be displayed with a default gray background.
We invite you to use the program, report bugs, and provide feedback. There are a number of features that are planned but are not available yet. These include:
- More maps. The current processing pipeline allows to generate something decent with approximately 1h of manual work for a duel map. If you are interested in helping, read the How to create 2D visualizations article, and contact Memento_Mori.
- Streaming Mode. We're investigating ways to implement streaming mode for casters. Updates here
- Sound. We plan to add sound playback, possibly simulating some of the spatial effects as in the game.
- More maps. The current processing pipeline allows to generate something decent with approximately 1h of manual work for a duel map. If you are interested in helping, read the How to create 2D visualizations article, and contact Memento_Mori.
- Streaming Mode. We're investigating ways to implement streaming mode for casters. Updates here
- Sound. We plan to add sound playback, possibly simulating some of the spatial effects as in the game.
0.1.1 (2012.07.29)
ADD: View modes: Fixed Size vs Adapt to Window
FIX: Truncated demos are now accepted and a warning is emitted instead of an error (suggested by !nFerNo)
CHG: The player disk's depth-based radius scales 2.5x more than before
0.1.2 (2012.07.31)
ADD: First Linux build
CHG: Different item indices for Q3/QL demos
CHG: Separate folders for Q3/QL maps
FIX: Flag icons size/alignment
ADD: View modes: Fixed Size vs Adapt to Window
FIX: Truncated demos are now accepted and a warning is emitted instead of an error (suggested by !nFerNo)
CHG: The player disk's depth-based radius scales 2.5x more than before
0.1.2 (2012.07.31)
ADD: First Linux build
CHG: Different item indices for Q3/QL demos
CHG: Separate folders for Q3/QL maps
FIX: Flag icons size/alignment
Link: Project Page ~ Screenshots: Duel, TDM ~ Download: Win, Linux
Edited by Memento_Mori at 02:56 CDT, 5 September 2013 - 53843 Hits