No you aren't an idiot. Its only $10 for a decent single player game.
I'm not giving id anymore money tho heh. In fact I specifically didn't buy rage because of their horrible botching of the QL project. Would rather spend the $10 on indie bundles and shit anyway, more entertainment value in them -_-
strange, did you change that stuff on the config, because one of the problems with rage was that it couldn't identify the amount of vram, so that would result on severe texture popping. need to manually set the 8k/16k textures and the amount of vram iirc!
If it was one of the suggested fixes in the first couple of weeks, I tried it. The last time I installed the game (~2 weeks ago) I didn't make any config file changes, though, so I might try again and do all that stuff.
Same, bought it in the id pack for 50euros 2 weeks ago and here it is : game has strafe jum yes but it is useless since outdoor is very small, full off cutscenes and cliped invisible walls, the game itself is super ugly (yes thats right textures are ULTRA ugly (i have GTX 680 top notch shit), even Quake 1 with texture mode is 100x better) it is caped at 60 fps but nvm. It forces to play at 60hz?! wtf so im forced to play windowed mode to have 120hz. Every cvars are locked, yes thats right, even r_displayrefresh is locked since last update and zoom toggle is cheat protected. Multiplayer is dead. Game is ultra boring.
In short : its a console game... made by idsoftware. Thats not just sad but makes me want to fucking beat thoose bastards. I file betrayed, i feel they lied to us and threated us like shit. id's glory time is over and, what is left is a reminicent shit hole.
Update: After logging about 5 hours, i'm sort of into the game. For the first 3 or 4 hours I really didn't see myself continuing it. I didn't know it was going to be so super scripted, map-restricted, etc. I wanted it to be more like fallout basically. But the graphics are stunning, the weapons are kind of fun I guess, so I'll keep playing but I'm definitely not fucking amazed by this game.
played it up to around first big boss or so, had some fun at times, but all the high action segments are still worse than in Q2 IMO, not mentioning painkiller/bulletstorm