Lots of useful information and great basis for anyone who's into duelling.
Just one major drawback for me - the approach could have been much better. Maybe it's my attention span but watching a guy talk to a webcam for half an hour is just tedious.
Maybe add some images, graphs, in-game footage, anything?
The people would probably learn more from watching your 1v1 matches than this. Quake can't just be explained verbally it has to be shown in action. You have to see when and where Rapha fights in a game to understand oh that is what good positioning is, that is a good time to fight etc. Try to copy the gd studio learn to play format with both verbal and in game.
sure you can explain quake verbally... the problem is though that most people explain stuff that doesn't need to be explained.
Like most people that start "teaching duel" try to start off by teaching how to strafe jump or timing but then end up never really entering into any specifics of duel.
Only real problem is that my pc sux too much in order to make vids real time....
Imo you should just go through the "most made mistakes in duel" and explain things from there.
Thanks for the feedback and views and such. For those who aren't really satisfied with what's basically a lecture, I've got some good ideas for how to follow this up with in-game footage.
please check out http://esreality.com/post/2358562/
fraze, a ~2300 elo Australian dueller has been playing while thinking out loud. I noticed a lot of the stuff he has said co-incides with a lot of the stuff you say in the above video.
not sure what that means, but i'd be more than happy to do a few videos on a specific topic that you think is vital.
Keep it coming ddk. I added it to my utube channel on the front page, since that is targetquakes main focus is to help people improve on different duel maps.
If someone who never even heard about Quake before sat down and listened all the way through the video, it would become perfectly apparent for them how fucking complex duel really is =)
It's obvious that you are trying elaborate all the different subjects you had prepared notes for without forgetting stuff. By that you seem a bit nervous and often reiterate points you have already made, probably because you remember that you forgot a detail or maybe think of something extra that you didn't prepare think about when preparing.
Of course I have a couple thoughts for how to further improve what you are trying to do.
Simplify your points
Elaborate your thoughts in a more efficient way with lesser words. What you are trying to explain will become more apparent, and the most important details does not as easily disappear in the rest of your words.
Less technical terms
People that don't know much about duel might not understand your examples if they get too map specific. Just a screenshot of the situation would be a powerful visual aid. (maybe use drawing tools to visualize your words)
More structure
It seemed like you jumped back and fourth a bit. Although aspects of duel does intersect a lot, trying to streamline it more might improve the focus of the subject.
I am guessing that you have lot more you could further teach about every single subject and probably many more. Much of it is actually complex, so personally I would love to see you make some shorter videos, one for each subject. Explain it visually by using in-game footage or screenshots. Just watching you in-eyes running around on an empty server while talking would also be very beneficial.
Situation analysis from interesting or famous matches would also be cool. It could be as little as just a single fight, decision or a move you find awesome :)
Probably not best choice tactical wise nowadays but could you do some analysis of old schroet kommando 4on4 demos probably vs ocrana just for the oldschool flavor? :D