Produced and edited by: Djordje "ZeRoQL" Simonovic

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Edited by Badb0y at 11:49 CDT, 6 October 2012 - 50491 Hits
And before the hatestorm starts I want to write a few words about ZeroQL myself.
Last year, when I read that post about him cheating on esr I was very disappointed and angry. Yes, I was among those who wanted to lynch him. So I noticed his entrance into the Xonotic community with mixed feelings. The Xonotic community while being small is also friendly and honest. The very most people there care about fairplay and have zero tolerance towards cheaters. To make a long story short: he behaved in such a respectful and humble way and helped the Xonotic community a lot while there is no real fame or money to earn for him. He doesn't take credits either for it (mostly I get them lol) but he helped to push the competitive community to a new level. To me he is a nice guy who truly loves quake and gaming and who did something very stupid in the past. And I believe him that he had no bad intentions back then when he didn't even tried to hide his hacks. You may say cheater = cheater but compare him to zhu/lithxv/fragma/sombra for example. They wanted to gain an advantage in tourney games with their hacks and still shittalk about it. I don't think it's fair to compare ZeroQL to those..
I know I can't prevent the shitstorm but I hope everyone at least considers to think about if ZeroQL really is the evil person who deserves that much hate.