Edited by hello_world at 15:54 CST, 25 February 2016 - 34564 Hits
Noone can proof anything at this level of cheating. The only way to proof something is seeing with own eyes.words of the admin who banned him
If w3sp used them in freestyle like you sayWhen and where i say that ? I only mention that Camping Gaz refuse to check w3sp freestyle demos because "in freestyle you can use any cheat as you want" with is ofc total bullshit. Does DFWC03 is freestyle ? Does DFWC04 is freestyle ? But for people like you nothing will be enough.
just because you or someone else thiks his times are too good it doesn't mean he is a cheater.When you out of arguments you came with "he is better so he must use cheats" Explain why people like ZyaX/Roody/glm was never accused for cheating ? Because they play fair even if the know all of those hacks/tricks/other crap. That is admirable attitude, nothing else.
Nope, not DFWC04 or DFWC03, I remember you saying that he cheated in freestyle which wouldn't really matter.That is simply not true. Look at the mDd boards. If you continue to bring up this bullshit i will assume that you just wanted to hear this. I never actual care about "freestyle" but Defrag World Cup is a different thing.
Hold on, we can't go on what you say that CGaz said in real life, you are kind of a delusional guy anyways, but there would actually be no proof of him saying that
I am pretty sure you said on IRC in #defrag the other day that the demo Gaz saw was just freestyle.Not true and you still ignore what i wrote here and at mDd.
+left and mousewheel are really not cheats, they are default keys in the game, bound to keys,Again, weak and pathetic excuse. You can bind "run my nice script" to ! There are cheats by any means because mousewhell makes you can double jump easy and +left is jus moving the mouse by mathematics algorithm of time*cl_yawspeed formula, allowing for perfect mathematical turns! For every people with IQ more than 85 is clearly a cheat in Defrag game.
Get real man? What I say is true, how does anyone know that what you are saying is true other than gaz if it is true, they do not
So, if someone uses +left and binds jump to mousewheel in a baseq3 game, say tdm. They are cheating? :)
I don't think so, they are just using default key bindings, so nope it definitely isn't a "weak and pathetic excuse", you can go on and on over the same facts, they will never change
You pay for it if you use a railgun up close, for example.you pay for it in faster switches as well