Event: DHW'12
After the show tonight with The GD Studio hosted by 2GD and Trance we now have the groups for the DreamHack Kingston HyperX Quake Live Tournament. Unfortunately STING dropped out last minute and we haven't been able to replace him yet. If you want to play contact either blazeh or slayzah in #DreamHack.Quake or send a mail to esport@dreamhack.se.
Also since STING dropped out we remade the seeds slightly. empish was moved to mid seed and the player missing is down in low seed.
So, as usual, please leave your thoughts on the groups below! Is there a group of death? Is any group more interesting then another?
Update: Last spot has been filled by Snapphanen.
Update 2: matr0x unfortunately dropped out of the tournament. He will be replaced by DRz.bat4dead.
Links: DreamHack.se
Betting: Overall Winner, Groupmatches
Edited by Badb0y at 20:17 CST, 21 November 2012 - 45687 Hits