someday he will just die because thats what people do but for now we only can hope he quickens with the sudden realisation that it is only a game and nobody cares about him and that he wasted months playing a worthless mode. im getting a little too dark i think but pathetic threads like this are paths to the dark side
it's funny, because you're always criticizing me when you have the opportunity to do it.
i don't know, everytime i make a new thread, you're the stalker that comes with like "look, this nerd isn't even a good dueler, damn, how bad can he be, if you're not good at duel, you're not good at quake, if you play anything else than quakelive duel, you suck, because real quake is ql duel"
man, stop sucking cooller's dick for once, and admit that i'm the BOSS at thunderstruck
at least i achieved something in my life, but you ? and at least i have fun everytime i play, but you ? you're another random 1500 elo player who doesn't even have fun when playing duel. I'm sure you force yourself to play duel even tho you know you're nowhere near cooller's level, but he's your idol, that's why you keep playing it, so sad really.