As you all know by now, every Sunday we host a Quake Live cup, open to 128 players. In order to keep things interesting and have a goal for players to fight for, we will be giving out points every Sunday Cup, which will all be counted together at the end of a Season.
The top eight players with the most points will be invited to a $500 Season Championship Finale to decide who is the best of the season. Each Season will run three months. The Winter season will be kicking off this Sunday, with the FACEIT QL Sunday Cup #17. The Winter Season Finale will take place on Sunday 7 April.
All settings for the FACEIT Quake Live Sunday Cup #17 will be the same as the previous cup. Be sure to sign-up for the tournament to reserve your spot. It will kick off at 09:00 CDT and check-ins open an hour before that. Streaming will be provided on FACEIT TV, with casting by


Links: FACEIT QL Seasons, Sunday Cup #17 //

Edited by wn at 15:02 CST, 27 January 2013 - 47536 Hits