Imaged on

This is part 3.
- Part 1: [link] - complete E-Mail conversation, demos, config, hud, e-Sport profile links
- Part 2: [link] - more possible ways of proofing my innocence (e.g. videorecording of me playing, sending original hardware,...), reflexivity about videogaming

Damage output bug - default client settings ( e.g. /handicap 100 )

- Bug exposed on 07.10.2012
- A few hours later my account was banned, till this day
- Damage output between players unbalanced (compare shots fired with inflicted damage)
- Compare the hits/damage done in the embedded media
- I was submitting demos of a faulty server configuration
- Ban-reason stated by Sasparillo "Use of third party software to obtain an unfair advantage within the game"
- Ban remains, disregard of offered media (up to Sat 07 Aug 2010 19:55:56 CEST)
- 30.10.2012: "There will be no further consideration of this matter. The ban will remain in place."
- Either read more here and/or download the complete demopack of that night

VODs (incl. matchlinks and demos)

YouTube has a 30 fps limit, therefore if you want to judge for yourself better, feel free to download the demos.

# a - sent to ID 1 - bogus

## a1 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-aerowalk-2012_10_07-05_03_09.dm_73

## a2 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-aerowalk-2012_10_07-05_13_54.dm_73

## a3 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-aerowalk-2012_10_07-05_25_46.dm_73

## a4 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-aerowalk-2012_10_07-05_36_16.dm_73

# b - not sent - bogus

## b1 ## matchlink ... SmXvanBasten-vs-sinuscosinus-aerowalk-2012_10_07-05_39_03.dm_73

## b2 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-SmXvanBasten-aerowalk-2012_10_07-05_40_49.dm_73

## b3 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-windsongkeep-2012_10_07-05_47_25.dm_73

## b4 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-mlfziRe-campgrounds-2012_10_07-05_50_54.dm_73

## b5 ## matchlink ... mlfziRe-vs-sinuscosinus-campgrounds-2012_10_07-05_53_00.dm_73

# c - sent to ID 2 - bogus

## c1 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-mlfziRe-campgrounds-2012_10_07-05_54_16.dm_73

# d - not sent - not bogus after serverswitch

## d1 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-trinity-2012_10_07-05_57_42.dm_73

## d2 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-sinuscosinus-aerowalk-2012_10_07-06_01_08.dm_73

## d3 ## matchlink ... BEERZeriouS(POV)-vs-mlfziRe-lostworld-2012_10_07-06_05_02.dm_73


This is part 3.
- Part 1: [link]
- Part 2: [link]

Need additional info? Configs, HUD, e-Sports-Profiles availabe in part 1
More links available via my ESR-profile / private website