In May I started working on a project after being annoyed at how difficult and drawn-out the process was to convert a Q3/QL demo into a movie. As a result, I now present the
Quake 3/Quake Live Demo Renderer.
In a nutshell, you upload a Q3/QL demo, wait a few minutes (or hours!), and out pops a 1920x1080 30fps x264-encoded MP4 for you to download. No messing with WolfCamQL or Quake 3 and no sweating over config files; the server does the heavy lifting.
This took me a few weeks to get together and was unfortunately marred by numerous rendering issues and application limitations, all (at least I know of) of which have been resolved in some manner.
-Automatic uploads to YouTube
-Ability to customize the rendering process (upload custom configs, change fps, etc)
-Make the initial rendering page more useful, like being able to see past demos rendered, library of renders, etc
This project would not have been possible without
mdv and his feedback and configs. He's made it all possible.
and everyone else who uploaded demos and provided feedback
Note that even though this is part of the site isn't fully launched, although the target launch is early July. For the time being you have to register to get access to the site; hopefully that isn't too big of an inconvenience.
-every 1.6MB of demo is about an hour of rendering + encoding. i.e. a 4.8MB demo will take about 3 hours to render
-every 2.5MB of demo is about 1GB mp4 output. i.e. a 3MB demo when rendered will be a 1.2GB download for you
Update: There is a
YouTube channel now.
Always looking for feedback: