Posted by chace @ 11:31 CDT, 17 September 2013 - iMsg
Which do you do and which do you think is better. I had switched entirely to conscious aiming when I first started playing quake simply because of projectile aiming or predicting rockets and so on. I think this was a mistake.
If you like to experiment: close one eye, you lose the perception that you're looking at a flat screen, the game looks more 3D. Don't think it'd help with aim, just something for you to try if you're bored.
I think the best aimers pay a lot of attention to the area about 1 inch around the xhair, the rest is handled by peripheral vision. So its like a combination of conscious (xhair) and subconscious (peripheral).
Also a big thing is loosening up, like using a pen... a tense and strong grip on the mouse can affect your confidence and control. Like racing drivers don't grab the wheel really tight.
A better description would have been: relying more on focus vs relying more on peripheral vision imo.
The subconscious comes into play more with map awareness, stuff like that. Pure aiming not so much I think.
I disagree I can aim without actually thinking about it. I can be completely focused on other things and still aim. I really don't even need to know what I am looking at.
I would say subconscious aiming is better because we aim best with our left brain. But ofc there's still some prediction you have to do so you can't aim 100% subconciously either.
Woops, i meant right brain. When you get in the "zone" you'll feel like your hitting every shot and your not thinking about aiming, you just do it. Whereas when you try think about aiming i will usually miss a lot more and i notice this happens a lot with lg fights. It's hard not to think about aiming, but i find when i think about the other important stuff in quake such as timing, dodging, positioning etc i don't have time to think about aim and hence i don't have to think so hard about not thinking. But some people think the opposite that because we have to use left brain components such as timing in a fps game which uses the right brain our aim is affected. I do find this happens sometimes when i play all aim no brain and not try to time at all my aim is a better but it could be because i'm ready for the fights, my positioning etc. But when i am in top shape my timing does not affect my aim. Maybe we can get used too it, maybe everything isn't black and white, who knows.
Cooller does not need to use the left, or right side of his brain. His consciousness flows with the energy of the universe - causing his opponents to subconsciously lose, even weeks before they know that Cooller will be their opponent.
just like when im on desktop i move my mouse subconsciously ..but for some shots i do look at my crosshair .. not for aiming but rather the correct timing when to click ... its weird how when u try to click on something and u miss .. u actually know in the split second that ur clicking .. uknow u missed and auto retry .. try that flashgame ull see what i mean .. dont think any1 looks at cursor and u just know if u hit or didnt hit ..
Kinda true. Look at strenx. He gave all for good lg. Low sens/lower fov via zoom and TONS of 90% lg use q3 games. It's not only talent.
Look at h4rtl3ss. He overplayed thundershit and aim good on it, but his raw duel aim is worse than agent hitting the floor.