23,99€ (€ 21.77)

5.2 GB


DAYZ is currently in early alpha and we see a lot of work ahead of us in order to make it the true authentic multiplayer experience we want it to be. Current version is including only small subset of game mechanics and serves mostly as test bed with core technology that should serve as basis for future additions and improvements. Currently planned key future features are:

Playable vehicles
Wide variety of native animal life
Player created constructions in the environment
Extensive interactions with the environment and crafting options
Streamlined user actions and interface
Upgraded graphics and physics engine (including ragdoll, etc.)
Control and animations expanded and improved for fluidity
Support of user mods

We estimate that reaching Beta version with all key features present will take more than one year from current stage. All features and plans listed here are subject to change, we may add or remove features as seen fit during development process.

bolded = ROTFL