After some fixes and access to data, Sirax successfully implemented QLRanks Race rankings and is now tracking both PQL and Vanilla QL records.
Head over to to check the current records.
For a full list of records check out sponge's records here (it currently hasn't got any graphics and is just presented as raw data)
Race records should be implemented inside the client soon and will include a complete revamped design and search function.
Zoot was messing around and played some Race on stream and landed a few nice times, check out the vids below.
Head over to to check the current records.
For a full list of records check out sponge's records here (it currently hasn't got any graphics and is just presented as raw data)
Race records should be implemented inside the client soon and will include a complete revamped design and search function.
Zoot was messing around and played some Race on stream and landed a few nice times, check out the vids below.
Edited by Teen Queen at 21:49 CST, 21 January 2014 - 20014 Hits