I recently purchased a steelseries kana. I thought it had an avago 3090, but I found out it doesn't. It has a pix art 3305DK-H. Is this sensor bad? I read steelseries fixed all the problems for the sensor. Should I return it and get a mouse with the avago 3090? Or is the kana a good mouse?
Edit: I purchased the mouse online and have not got it yet. Also if it doesn't track well on this mousepad I do need to return it. http://steelseries.com/us/products/surfaces/s...lg-redblue
Edit: I purchased the mouse online and have not got it yet. Also if it doesn't track well on this mousepad I do need to return it. http://steelseries.com/us/products/surfaces/s...lg-redblue
Edited by cha0tic90 at 01:42 CST, 30 January 2014 - 5084 Hits