But maybe it can't help your skillset as much as it does for anotherone.
Ok then let's say it's a model that affects the gameplay as it shouldn't since it lets you see loads of pixels of your enemy you shouldn't (and you can't hit coz they aren't a part of the hitbox)
Such a difference would be nothing in a game like quake.
It would only be an issue if the game play was slowed down by ten and the opponent was already zoomed in on the corner.
I like it when you hit the model, you actually hit the hitbox. And yea, the hitboxes are obviously the same size, just the tankjr model is sometimes a bit larger than the hitbox.
For me are rails easier to hit on tankjr. LG is much harder. You think you hit, but you dont. I have everything set to tankjr except LG. LG is set on keel. Believe or not, I hit 10% acc more with lg on keel. However, I have extreme hi sens and fov120. Maybe that is the reason:)
sure you can see the model like 2 or 3 microseconds before the hitbox appears but sometimes you see the brightskinned arm of the model so your tempted to shoot but still you miss the hitbox
keel is actually a way more accurate representation of the hitboxes and doesn't make you miss as much as tank
let's say you use tankjr, the enemy is behind a pillar, doing micro dodges left right left right left right, you got the rail, you see the arm of the model and then bam, you shoot a rail. But too bad for you it's actually counted as a miss, cause you didn't aim right at the hitbox.
this kind of situation never happens with keel.
Totally right! Ban crosshair too cause it's not like you go around on the street with a cross in front of you that's always pointing to where you shoot and always hit there that's just stupid. I don't use crosshair and everyone that does is gay and noob and cheater and should die of testicular cancer.
-see enemys who think they are hidden completly behind pillars
-the model is taller than keel, which let you see the hitable head in some occasions, which you wouldn't with keel
-see the enemy popping out a little bit earlier
-fitting the hitbox pretty well with r_lodbias 2 anyways
-a small place on the model which is outside of the hitbox
it screws you up during melee close range lg fights.I notice that in those situations, when i am bumping into the guy and we both have lg out , i tend to aim at the non hitboxed portions of the models sometimes, thus losing some deeps. Anyways, I remember Guard saying that tankjr is more for lg aiming, since we are not supposed to flick around our mouse that much, we should keep it steady. And tankjr does just that, since the model is bigger, it dodges slower (i mean it moves less). Anyways, it still is a matter of preference, usually when I get bored with keel or vice versa i just switch.
quake goes too placebo on the players cos of the unlimited combination of settings, but focus on the gameplay rather, some tweaks are good but that's about it
I never said that h8m3 was wrong. I just said that i copied it from his twich profile. Cypher seems to change his config a lot so saying what he uses right now is difficult.
dude im not trying to argue or to be offensive but do you even read what i wrote seta enemy_model "keel/pm" is a promode command
it does not work in quakelive
when you watch cyphers stream he uses tankjr
if you search in his config its cg_forceenemymodel tankjr/bright
that was my whole point
i dont really care what he uses either
I am not trying to argue either, maybe it just seems like i am. Also it's funny how you say that you don't really care about which model he uses, that's what i was trying to prove from the start. It doesn't really matter what enemy model you use. :)
k1llsen used to play with tankjr. I have tried many av3k and cypher cfgs and never seen tankjr as enemymodel. Strenx, evil, k1llsen were using it as far as I tested cfgs.
I thought that the configs that i was looking at were from 2012 and that they wouldn't have changed but apparently they are from 2010. It also seems like they change enemy models from time to time.
The point that i was trying to make from the beginning was that it doesn't matter what enemy model you use.
Hitboxes are round nowadays, so those screenshots and comparisons are not correct anymore.
Also when doing that consider the effect of lodbias. That means taking two shots of keel and two of tankjr (lucy and orb too). Of course it'd be better if there's a video of how the hitboxes are in relation to those models when moving and jumping.
Both are not cylindrical. If you look at the ground you can see that the blue one is cylindrical because it is rounded while the green one is in one line because it is a square.
Just a quick technical note. Yes hitboxes are the same. Yes Tankjr sometimes "pops" out of the hitbox a little.
Being a broad model he gives a *feeling* of a bigger target. You will see him earlier while going round the corner, he will be better visible from a distance. For some people it is an advantage they can't skip on.
For some people, it's exactly otherwise. It's their win.
Having played with brightskin keels since q3 I switched to brightskin tankjr as I was tired of Keel's zoophiliac porno grunts. I don't regret it. But I know ppl who played with forced Tankjr in q3 and switched to Keel because it suits them more.
To each his own, but...
But come on, remove Tankjr? Remove everything that some dude or dudes doesn't want?
Maybe remove all models this way it will be an instant win?
Or remove QuakeLive? So there will be no more complaining.