Not that I'm any important, but I won't bother to play it then.
I don't get how it evens the playing field when you force everyone to a certain aesthetic that will just happen to work better for some people and worse for others, instead of allowing everyone to tinker with everything (=binds and all other means of input, visual settings, incl. hud etc.) as they please, so they can play a game that suits their preferences, and differences in individual performance can be related to skill instead of "the other guy gets less distracted by textures/reflections/bloom/motion blur/screenshake/ambient sound, is able to hit a black model on black background better and just happens to not be colorblind". And of course the devs drive away people from the game by raising the level of required hardware to run their game.
Anything below Quake's customization options is just shit (or worse than Quake at least). As is everything that can't be modified to run at a stable +125 FPS on a low grade graphics card or integrated chipset. No exceptions.
additionally to that, people will manage to make it look shit by some means. So if it's gonna happen anyway, might as well make it convenient.
I really doubt that they would do that personally. The people developing this game are quakers. I can't picture anybody who's spent that much time in the quake scene locking down a game and forcing everyone to use defaults. It would be ridiculous. I mean I can understand restricting some things, but certainly not everything.
Tbf, with that logic you should also force ppl to same mouse, same keyboard, same monitor and same hardware, not?
Imo picmip has no bigger effect on the game than the things mentioned above.
Quake is not CS where even bright models are considered a cheat.
no, it's not the same as forcing people to the same equipment. In the early days of quake, competition computers weren't even getting 120 fps. It was only available so that people could get much more fps. You want the game to attract more people and show case the game.
This isn't Quake as well. You want Quake, stick to Quake.
The hardcore and old school players probably will, yeah. If the game gets any kind of casual following though (yeah yeah I know) you can bet your ass there will be plenty of people playing with all the eye candy turned on.
True, high quality FPS games will never be mainstream because people is too stupid to appreciate them, so it will still be reduced to a small minority of people capable of appreciating them. Still, I hope Reflex as a brand new game can attract more people than a Q3 mod.
True, high quality FPS games will never be mainstream because people is too stupid to appreciate them, so it will still be reduced to a small minority of people capable of appreciating them. Still, I hope Reflex as brand new game can attract more people than a Q3 mod would be capable of.
Kind of hoping for it to happen somehow, against the odds. I love CPM. I hate playing CPM against the same dozen people on the same two maps and losing for all of eternity.
Also I'm bad at CPM and it would be pretty sweet to have a small legion of noobs to squash. My ego needs to be fed.
Yeah, and I'd say that I can let it go if it's the consoles that slow down the "evolution", if that's the reason only, can't do anything sigh... but for a game like Reflex or all PC exclusives it's very annoying, when was the last time you installed a PC game without editing the cfg or settings files to turn off some stupid effects :(
Pretty much never, but you've gotta realize that we're in the minority here. The vast majority of gamers (even PC gamers) just want shiny new particle effects and reflections and bloom and blur and blah blah fucking blah.
For a game like Reflex, I can forgive pretty much any addition of pointless graphical vomit because it's gonna have to do *something* to get the casual players to pay attention. The genre needs more players. As long as I can turn all the crap off when I play I don't even care.
highlander decapitates then takes your soul and life energy then lives for an eternity, he will hunt down your kids and grand kids, penetrate your daughter grand daughters and upcoming generations, you are doomed for the eternity. Please don't say fuck highlander!
(I hope I got the story right, haven't seen the series or movies since I was a kid)