30683 Hits
"e-sports" tournaments
in 2015-2016 we really should consider moving away from quake
Not sure if these guys have the patience to get the right .exe, the right mod, all the maps, create their .cfg, then sit in a pickup channel on irc, and wait for games to start.
// weapon_have <weapon_mask>
// Specifies ALL weapons that a player respawns with when
// entering a game or respawning from a death (default = 1).
// weapon_start <weapon_mask>
// Specifies the default weapon has in-hand when entering
// a game or respawning from a death. Note, the HIGHEST
// ordered weapon value will be chosen if an exact weapon
// number is not selected (default = 257).
// weapon_mask:
// ------------
// 1 - Machinegun
// 2 - Shotgun
// 4 - GrenadeLauncher
// 8 - RocketLauncher
// 16 - LightningGun
// 32 - Railgun
// 64 - PlasmaGun
// 128 - BFG
// 256 - Gauntlet