I'm thinking about buying an ODROID-U3 to use as a small, cheap and fast emulator thing to hook upto a TV. Now I'd like to have a nice clean menu for the emulators and came across Emulation Station which looks really nice and can be controller driven.
There are various custom linux distro's available for the ODROID-U3 that I found on a forum thread, the one I'm thinking of initially would be the 'Whisper' release which has controller support and running Lubuntu which seems quite easy to use, used Ubuntu in the past and liked it. They also have a Debian package.
So... looking at the Emulation Station site for Linux they only have a Debian file for download however theres a GitHub repository so would it be possible to install this emulator front end onto a machine running L/Ubuntu or would it only be possible if using a Debian distro and using the .deb package on the download page?
There are various custom linux distro's available for the ODROID-U3 that I found on a forum thread, the one I'm thinking of initially would be the 'Whisper' release which has controller support and running Lubuntu which seems quite easy to use, used Ubuntu in the past and liked it. They also have a Debian package.
So... looking at the Emulation Station site for Linux they only have a Debian file for download however theres a GitHub repository so would it be possible to install this emulator front end onto a machine running L/Ubuntu or would it only be possible if using a Debian distro and using the .deb package on the download page?
Edited by skint at 16:38 CDT, 12 September 2014 - 11650 Hits
if on debian or ubuntu run
sudo dpkg -i <yourpackage.deb>
to install.
on the github page, under "building" he says that you need some other stuff which emulationstation needs in order to run. he gives you the command for it
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-date-time-dev libfreeimage-dev libfreetype6-dev libeigen3-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libasound2-dev libgl1-mesa-dev