Most read threads:
Sept. 11, QL update change log (5356 hits)
A N N O U N C E R (5161 hits)
SyncError, Sponge, whoever has the power (4034 hits)
125FPS Fake Account Debate & MORE YAYO (4026 hits)
HoQ TDM Fall Season opens signups (3547 hits)
Most commented threads:
Sept. 11, QL update change log (244 comments) by flocks
A N N O U N C E R (187 comments) by melba
New POV video of UT4 at Epic Games USA (160 comments) by _agu
125FPS Fake Account Debate & MORE YAYO (146 comments) by baksteen
Sign petition - We want the original VO (136 comments) by miSc
Most Popular Users:
quake is potat (98% popular)
zb0t (97% popular)
Yakumo (95% popular)
megaman3 (95% popular)
Nico_QD (95% popular)
Most Popular Threads:
125FPS Fake Account Debate & MORE YAYO (82% popular) by baksteen
ZOWIE OPEN SUNDAY CUP (78% popular) by kk-super_koziol.pl
19th #CPMDUEL (46% popular) by SIHdW3W
HoQ TDM Fall Season opens signups (46% popular) by doz3r
Re: Announcer (38% popular) by Gobotz
Most Popular Comments:
Re: 125FPS Fake Account Debate & MORE YA (92% popular) by kava
Re: A N N O U N C E R (79% popular) by Venser
Re: Sept. 11, QL update change log (67% popular) by CENEk
Re: 125 FPS September League, Group Stag (66% popular) by Nico_QD
Re: Sept. 11, QL update change log (62% popular) by quake is potat
Popularity Climbers:
quake is potat (68 +'s)
Nico_QD (57 +'s)
Yakumo (47 +'s)
baksteen (47 +'s)
megaman3 (44 +'s)
Betting leader:
aeoL (E$471,325)
hghg (E$344,633)
Kost1k (E$288,952)
Joker_ (E$193,878)
qmj (E$76,993)
10 Sep: BROKE 1600 TODAY by eburbeck
12 Sep: FFA the concept + why is it going wrong? by p3l3.dynodeath
Edited by Teen Queen at 18:05 CDT, 14 September 2014 - 4579 Hits