fx wrote on the QL forums about his Quakelive Launcher for Linux. I guess several people may be interested on ESR.
Hey all. I am linux (tbh crossplatform) developer. I was playing quake since its first release.
Since quakelive moved to steam and dropped mac and linux support I created a Linux tool to launch quakelive. If you still have not moved quakelive into steam (by this I mean your profile is still Id's one, not steam) this tool may improve your game experience.
It uses wine but without awesomium and other things that may reduce performance. So QLLauncher is simply quakelive.exe on linux. A lot of users noticed that using this tool on Linux increases performance significantly.
This tool allows you to spawn server, to join the server by given server id or ip address, to browse game servers with filter. For now the only thing that is still not implemented is chat and friendlist.
To install it (debian-based distros) use the following snippet:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:broken/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install qllauncher
On My i7 2600, 16GB RAM, 550 GTX it has almost always 250 fps. The main problem was awesomium_process.exe which ate a lot of resources and caused stucks in the game, lag spikes, fps drop.
This tool has been tested on ubuntu 14.04 LTS, ubuntu 14.10, latest version of mint and some archlinux builds.
Post any issue on
this page along with your output of "qllauncher -v".
QL forum thread,
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Edited by Kapiter at 05:37 CST, 5 November 2014 - 27367 Hits