Map page - http://thc333.com/reflex/#tenth
Screens - http://thc333.com/reflex/thcdm9/
Map page - http://thc333.com/reflex/#eleventh
Screens - http://thc333.com/reflex/thcdm10/index.html
edit: thcdm10 - I fucking messed up file structure wihtin that zip the proper should be structural/pk01/pk01_wallbig01b so files that were in structual needs go to into structural/pk01, reuploaded the proper version.
If you want to test it out without having to download textures or they dont work for some reason the map is also available on my FR host or look for "[FR]thc333.com/reflex" in the server browser and callvote map thcdm9tx or thcdm10tx
Edited by tehace at 00:03 CST, 8 January 2015 - 30668 Hits