Once you've figured out how to bunnyhop, doing a jump like this is quite simple. The trick is to time yourself so that you either don't jump too soon (hitting the step above) and that you don't jump too far so that you do not land on the steps but rather you land on the edge of LG.
There are other ways of doing this trick as well as doing it in less jumps. This particular jump has served me quite well but I can argue that it can be impractical vs. a good opponent.
Also I hope to fucking God you're asking in the right forum. If you're on about Quake Live then just look up defrag tutorials and focus on circle jumping and strafe jumping. The jump to red on Quake Live/vq3 is insanely easy once you understand the movement mechanics.
i've never seen anyone mention it or in any guides, but the most important part of QW movement is your movement on the ground since you accelerate there much much faster than you would bunnying. it's pretty much a circle jump, but you'll have to play around with the angle and speed.
practice on ztricks till you can at least get the first jump and if you can clear room 1 your movement is probably better or equal to most people.