Edited by stcesnignipar at 16:29 CDT, 14 March 2015 - 71664 Hits
But the fact is he has been suspicious as hell for years now, aswell as being suspected by a big chunk of the "pro" scene.lel. Let me guess who. The ones who get raped on their best/favourite map? Would be mad too))
Now factor in the inconcistency in his skill while he was streaming.The last time he streamed was almost 2 years ago and he was nowhere his current level. His elo was around 1800 and he almost exclusively played ztn with the occasional
On stream he would loose to all manner of players.. hell i even beat him a bunch of times.Yeah and now you get shit on because apparently you haven't improved at all whereas he did. Get over it and move on)
Off stream barely anyone touches him and he goes from a fairly defensive player to a super aggressive railwhore who just happens to know everything.Again you are comparing oranges to apples. The reason why almost noone touches him is that he's one of the best on aero. So unless you are above 2,2k+ or fairly decent on aero you probably won't stand a chance vs him. I've watched so many games and I can tell who has a chance and who doesn't. There are in fact a couple of guys who give him a hard time.
How and why are you defending this?Dunno. Guess I'm bored because in the end you and the other retards gonna believe whatever they want no matter what I'm gonna say just so they feel better about themselfs.
Especially after him basically outing himself in this manner.Ah yeah because he cheated vs daddy means he did it also in 125fps or "offstream". Especially when you can clearly see that the cheat isn't working properly. Don't you think he'd be better at it? I mean he was mad because he really wanted to go apeshit on daddy and then the stupid aimbot aimed at the fucking floor :x.
He streamed 2years ago and was peaking at 2100 off stream.He hasn't been streaming for almost three years now. I don't know when exactly he stopped but it must have been early to mid 2012. So how unlikely is it for someone to improve to 2,4 over 3 years? Not that he ever had 2,4k elo level on any other map than aero but w/e.
He then starts streaming and goes on a huge loosing streak.
Stops streaming and then proceeds reaches 2300-2400ish no problem.
And yes i lost to him, to the point of being completely shut down on every map, to the point of not being able to go anywhere without getting a rocket or rail to the face.And your point being? You can't beat him anymore so he must cheat? I don't really get it. You are probably reaper, fire_bot or some other whiney mongloid around that level.
Yet when he starts streaming i beat him on both aero and ztn to the point where he ragequits.
What does that tell you?
Just that the fact that he goes from mediocre to a worldbeater (night and day) streaming vs non streaming says alot.Yeah it does. He cheats. He walls. He aimbots. He triggers. He even has a rearview mirror just so no-one can sneak up on him! Neat little hack LOL.
It also explains why he quit streaming alltogether.
Now you go and pour gasoline on the fire with saying he had no issues cheating on fake accounts when he felt like it.Reading and comprehending ain't your strengths buddy. But you got one thing right he didn't have a problem to cheat twice vs daddy. Neither did I or any other guy who knew about it. I mean apparently even syncerror does it. I told him it wasn't a smart move to do it with his main account because I knew what would happen and well it did.
Im just going to assume your a bit dumb and a whole lot more naive, considering what your typing.Nah you are just a bitter nerd who can't get over it that someone like phil is better than you and even surpassed you to a point where you don't seem to have a chance anymore. That's the reason why you don't write under your nick. You are projecting and you know it.