Most read threads:
In the company of fazz, a QCon2015 story (8950 hits)
Philian Cheats (7321 hits)
125 FPS One Map Cup - Dismemberment (4733 hits)
Qcon 2015 teams (4175 hits)
esr village idiot election (3881 hits)
Most commented threads:
In the company of fazz, a QCon2015 story (231 comments) by noctis
Philian Cheats (165 comments) by stcesnignipar
esr village idiot election (136 comments) by gojira_
Qcon 2015 teams (114 comments) by neeple
Quake isn't on twitch why? (103 comments) by mray557
Most Popular Users:
Meph1stoo (96% popular)
noctis (95% popular)
Nico_QD (95% popular)
Jamerio (92% popular)
quake is potat (92% popular)
Most Popular Threads:
In the company of fazz, a QCon2015 story (84% popular) by noctis
Thorin's Thoughts - rapha's Game (68% popular) by Thorin
WHILRWIND ATTACK -- MYNX'S REVENGE (65% popular) by xerosawyer
125 FPS Sunday Cup#1 (60% popular) by Nico_QD
lol 9% (47% popular) by tom
Most Popular Comments:
Re: In the company of fazz, a QCon2015 s (64% popular) by destrukt
Re: Thorin's Thoughts - rapha's Game (52% popular) by Klijngsor
Re: 125 FPS Sunday Cup#1 (50% popular) by b0ltzmann
Re: lol 9% (48% popular) by aggnog
Re: Philian Cheats (47% popular) by Lacceh
Popularity Climbers:
noctis (66 +'s)
quake is potat (44 +'s)
Nico_QD (43 +'s)
0x5f3759df (36 +'s)
Meph1stoo (31 +'s)
Betting leader:
omek (E$11,523)
Venser (E$6,381)
Janitor III (E$4,967)
Lam (E$3,796)
8utt3Rs (E$2,624)
Edited by Teen Queen at 18:49 CDT, 22 March 2015 - 5900 Hits