But now cypher could walk up and bitch slap evil. After that back to wwe mode with the folded meltal chair over evils head. Then something retarted like " Time In, bitch :p"
The moment the tournament starts, that song is going to play. Tim Willits will be making all the announcements, BREAK is going to dominate rapha's team, the south american teams will be beat by 102. flair will rage hard on lan because he doesnt know ctf, Vig1lante will get someone drunk by making them drink Mount Gay. all the other teams will be like LEEEEEEERRRROOOOOOYYYY JEEEEEEENNNKIIIIIINS Out loud on stage. Blood will be raining from the depths of hell, Frags and Bloodbaths will happen. SyncError will actually have his team .403. play in the tournament. strenx will freak out in french like he did last year. bunch of weirdos at the afterparty will be partying to Revolting Cocks "beers steers and queers".
Most mainstream coverage that I have seen look at esports as a freakshow, a curiosity. So yeah, they'll report on it, but they don't take it seriously.
Also the average age of the pro gamer is not exactly conducive to mature bahaviour.