Event: QC16
Created by 
This is the highlight video for the biggest Quake event of the year hosted in Dallas, Texas. Produced by FACEIT, it holds to the standards you've come to expect.
Capturing the best moments and telling the story of the grand finals, this serves as your reminder of what Quake is all about delivered to you from the heart of the action.
- Milton
- Rikoll
- Locktar
- Locust
- GT
- BlooD_Dog
- Movie File - Stream () 0MB
- Youtube (235 clicks)
Edited by Kapiter at 20:16 CDT, 3 September 2016 - 12774 Hits
Default nquake cfg, including the quad hue.
Custom guns right next to broken 1996 models.
Fov 3000 because of the aspect ratio.
Random freecams.
Frags that don't seem to have any continuity or massive dead air at the end of scenes.
In other words, another zeroql movie.
You got paid for that ?