Source: eslgaming.com

Edited by Nukm at 07:20 CDT, 12 June 2017 - 104928 Hits
Players in Russia and Asia will play in EU qualifiers, players in the Americas and Australia will play in NA qualifiers. Competitors should register by visiting https://play.eslgaming.com/quake/. Complete rules and eligibility requirements can be found online.
Free win for tox and his crew. Basically a hand out for folks who were elite in QL and who were already grinding the game, shutting out the chances for new players. Game in this state is just uninteresting and the money might aswel just be invested in the developmeNT, like for instance implementing matchmaking and other worthy features because a milly ain't going to motivate people to pick this game up. Also why such a big prizepool if the game is not done yet? Organize something smaller or make multiple tourneys instead of burning through a budget ala kamikaze pilot.
Organizing a tourney like this whilst being aware only a handful (aka oldschoolers) are try harding this game just shows how oblivious the guys behind the scene are atm.
Duel Qualifier #1
EU: June 29, July 2
NA: June 30, July 2
Duel Qualifier #2
EU: July 6, July 9
NA: July 7, July 9
Duel Qualifier #3
EU: July 13, July 16
NA: July 14, July 16
Duel Qualifier #4
EU: July 20, July 23
NA: July 21, July 23