Funny read.
Which one are you? I'd be "The Grammar Nazi"
Which one are you? I'd be "The Grammar Nazi"
326063 Hits
OCPD should not be confused with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (or, "The OC Disorder")
If I may take off my acting pants for a moment, and pull my analrapist stocking over my head..
I was sponsored as a14 yr old to play for 3 london aracades for Street Fighter/Killer Instinct and Virtua Fighter.
At the time of the development of Habitat, he would have been 7 years old. Jamie Williams is credited to writing the handbook to Habitat.
Because the people with power, influence and control would know what I did back then either through tax returns, cv, work examples.
Linking to those sites was only ever meant to be a casual reference, both of which were contaminated AFTER I posted them on ESREALITY as web archive shows :)
Plus I enjoy all the attention it gives me, I mean I enjoyed the...
It means that you or the source are not important, so I do not care what you think.
If I did, I would have proved it
The Mobygames profile WAS contaminated after I posted on ESR. The IMDB was originally for jamie Williams in Perfet Dark 2000), the VFX guy did not come along till 2005.
I had over £70k in royalties from one game alone. Your ideas on anything factual to do with the game industry which are severaly stunted by your resentment and failed aspirations are hilarious.
My base salary was not that great I admit, who cares when you got big royalties and livin the dream at one of the best software houses at that time?
I care enough to lead you further astray and get you to dig a deeper hole.
Plus if what you say is true about it not being true becuae I have not proved it, then becuase you have not proved it it means what you say is untrue too
I said IMDB was a casual reference like mobygames
I'm not posting info of financial records
The difference is, I can control anytime I want to end it in my favour and you can't.
The first link you linked me to I posted it was trivia about the game winning a bafta.
I'm glad you've admitted defeat.
No website is 100% proof, but only donkeys like you requie 100% proof of anything as it only highlights how desperate you are for me to be wrong or lying.
if everyone required 100% of anything the world would grind to a halt for even simple tasks.
I played it for years and got so awesome . . .
look at how informed and confident i am . . .
Which is exactly where you're at becuae if you had any you would have posted it.
The fact that you will publically highlight your biased reasoning
Nothing has been contradicted, if it has its called circumstantial.
You have not provided any proof either.
So at best your claim is as arbitrary/unfounded as mine
so I still come out on top becuase 99.9% of people on the planet would tell you to fuck off too if someone like you started asking to verify their claims,
People who talk about their lives are not defined as making claims
and given the default normal social conduct of the world DOES NOT require people to post proof of what they say unless its insanely unrealistic
The fact that you require evidence at all because I said I worked with games and made some good money off of it goes show how deluded you are.
Given my claim is not a huge deal to most normal people
Short of being walked onto the tele with the us president and saying I am telling the truth, you will always deny
I don't need proof to talk about my life becuase it isn't the way the world works
All I will say is, keep thinking of those baftas, trips to LA and royalty cheques and drive yourself mad with them
You've made plenty of claims that I am lying based on me not giving in to your needs and posting evidence, while hanging yourself by the same logic.
The only thing I would authorize for you is medication and a reality check.
No, because in the civil world people are innocent until proven guilty
If you knew something wasn't true then by definition you would have had to have proven it was untrue to form such a conclusion
If its 2) then it means that I am innocent until proven guilty and more right that you.
Using your law analogy to get to a jury you would need to convince a judge or prosecution service to bring it to court first.
Your only evidence would be "I don't want to belive him" and "he has not posted proof after I asked".
At which point, you would be laughed out of court and it would never even get to court to begin with.
My claim would not be dismissed because in the real world people are and do talk about thier lives without having to prove it first. Its called being innocent until proven guilty.
So it would be down to you to bring the case to court, TO DISPROVE what I say on the related matter.
Your point would only apply IF<<< if got to court to begin with, but UNLESS you provided sufficent evidence to convince the court the case to go ahead, it would not get there, seeing as you do not have that evidence, you would never get that far.
If I don't prove what I say and you do not disprove what I say then its 50/50.
becuase the civil modern world works on the basis of innocent until proven guilty, you would be unable to obtain the perception you wish and I would be allowed to continue what I was saying whether its true or not.
You've already accused me of being a liar in this very thread which was based off your opinion of me of me saying I worked on what I said.
So you have accused me of being guilty
In order to accuse someone of being a liar, you would first deem them guilty or not guilty on the related matter.
I see no point in reading the rest of your nonsense.
Not providing proof for your demands does not make someone a liar.
Let's test your theory, with your own mindset and see how many questions you answer.
You've said you live in house, you've said you earn 100 dollars and hour, so prove it?
No smoke and mirrors, just answer the question, or avoid it and prove my point.
You must be loaded,
I'm going to need to see proof.
But I just wanted to see how you react to your own theories and one sided arguments.
I can't find the house cit, but if you'de like to leave that out and admit you live in a trailer that's more than fine by me, plus I would have thought someone on more money than heart surgeons would be able to afford something a little more upmarket than a trailer?
Do feel free to confirm this by checking it via WebArchive.
I chaged it becaue you know as time goes on things change
you'de be surprised how little information there is out there on there on local motorcross events
If you need something to chew on, by all means confirm this with the founders.
500 ish trophies were between MX and BMX. The world was a different palce then for coverage and media, I raced bikes and bmx's on the way home, I didn't invent the concorde.
I don't need to prove every aspect of my life to every schizo on the web
But its ok, nobody is envious of your part time pc repair job.
I stopped racing MX in 89/90, I wouldn't expect there to be anything.
Anyone over the age of 25 will have done things in their life as kid in the 80's that would have been convered today with the world wide web.
Secondly you imply that just becaue you have not found it it does not exist, yet again another insight into your broken mind that...
That's 2/3. Still confident about me lying about 3?
I claimed I run 3 businesses, you found two of them.
You claimed i lied about working with games
This is me vs 2009 EVO champ
I claimed I was an accomplied Super Turbo and Killer Instict player that got me a fighting game, testing job..
The games added to mobygames are to the BIO if you check at the bottom where the main games are you will see they are not there, you will also see that if you wrote to the admins they would confirm this, but I know from expereince you prefer claims as you take doubt as fact
Do carry on. Why not write to moby games?
The point is, its proven beyond reasonable doubt to the sane and rational.
I have offered you the opportnutiy to disprove what I say by writing to mobygames
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Plus you're a proven liar thanks to the two above .swf files.
And its still averages less than 5 posts a day since i joined
Registered: 30 Mar 2005
Posts: 16293
My original account on the site was registerd 27th Feb 2002.
The user comes before any alias.
Boring, socially, deprived videogame addict spends his day switching between gaming,watching pirated TV SHOWS and bitching on the net, its not exactly inspirational material is a description of yourself?
"H458TEP - Vehicle Registration Details
This registration was first registered during the period August 1990 to July 1991.
The registration was first registered in Swansea."
people do tend to try and copy my wording within this demographic/website a lot of the times
King of all gamers
overfilling with sarcasm and bitterness:)
It was meant to be a clue to those who have been around a long ass time dude but there were 2 other players whom used sens 2 accel 2, I said that this is NOT A COMEBACK by any means he simply loved his mouse settings even if sometimes they caused him a lot of trouble with aim due to conditions not being right, table height, cramped conditions, mouse pad being humid/dry etc etc i played with the same settings earlier in quake3 and I can tell you one thing dudes it is an extremely unique way to play and things really need to be set up correctly. .
To those saying just go play the game, it just does not work like that, he may be quite fussy you know? i'll post again tomorrow to clarify a couple of things, don't expect big things,
its not random its how we began speaking again. i needed to find out if Krokodil was available on Bali, it has shown up in the states so why not Bali where a lot of russians with a bit of money moved to????
Harm reduction and trying to save someones life could only be critiscised by muppets half my age on esr.
What do you want a picture of our chat and then us having gay sex as proof? No one is special, no one is beyond help. Now you can go fuck yourselves and I will not be back.
I'm surprised you can even type in English for a Polak as you are reknowned as bottom feeders over in our country, seeping money away from our economy and everyone else you can get a hold of within reach of your Irish backed Ryanair invasions from social welfare payments. Where does the money go???? All back to your shithole of a country with no national identity and you have contributed nothing to mankind. I would have raped you and your clan, then your mother in a game in OSP.
You really don't help your race at all you polak fucks, no wonder half of them tell me the hate other polish people when polish themselves (although that is probably to get into my good books as im not the type you would fuck with), no sense of identity just "oh we are no longer communists lets go make money do sterroids to try look good" from shit that will kill you quickly in the long run - but thats a good thing.
I also speak 4 languages, English, Dutch, German Kurwa Na pierdole & most importantly Gaelic and live on the continent but I must thank you for the reminder of why i never went public and didn't communicate with you prepubescents on here.
Muay thai fight anytime??? I would kick the fuck out of you and rip your bloated muscles without any blood supply, ligaments and tendons to shreds.
Rant over now go fuck yourself and let me talk to Polish people i actually like as all of the gamers I have ever met with .pl are fucking retards. Though I must thank you for the idea of my troll on a clan once upon a time when we fakenicked as Dragonmir.PL, Miroslav.PL Roidrager.PL etc and then pretended to be retarded like you and then owned them and it went public. A splendid experience.
Nice try charging tanks with horses in WW2 and invading Ireland in 2007 with 300k, we never had such a problem even with the Vikings and the English than you catfish eating bottom feeding scum fucks.
Have a nice day, czesc. Owned.
Ok just don't troll a man with a child and a life in his 30's. I am speaking to LeXeR but after this thread there is no hope of him EVER coming back, never.
I figured it out, mouse prediction on the mx518 is totally screwing things up, managed to find an old Intellimouse 1.1a and its very playable. Time for a trip down memory lane with FFA - thanks for the mouse formulas/sens values it is very much appreciated. You seriously know your shit as I remember reading posts of yours years ago (luker) always with comprehensive knowledge.
My the admins are being very slow to approve my proof. I wonder if its because 80% of the replies are all negative and laying into me for being truthful then I react to trolls badly due to having the personality of not taking shit and we all wonder why quake flopped from 50k a tourney to whatever the earnings are now, surely a couple of weeks in McDonalds would be a better option.
You made the mistake of getting personal. I'm not insane at all but I can mimic it, you would too if you were involved in the sports i am.
If you read the thread and realise I've been on this site over 13 years (some admin is messing with my profile and FB attacks) you'd see I'm not milking anything as I had 13 years to do that and of course I am delighted to be in touch with the player that made me play Q3 and I've fond memories of the OSP days.It feels like your response was like as if I sent a letter to president Obama demadning this and that of him and he agreed when its totally not the case. He's a normal fucking human being. not a powermongering corrupt fuck.
I've left it to lex and the subject has been dropped, he may turn up again if the time is right but you are correct in one way - I should have said nothing but I didn't have the knowledge of mouse values.
To the eastern european hacker with the moldovan ip proxy attempting to break into my system, I'll give you one warning to break off your attempts before i will absolutely fucking get you ripped apart. ill find you and come for you.