Edited by aiken at 08:25 CST, 1 February 2016 - 269927 Hits
"When it's a question of action against the Slavs, you can always count on Romania," Antonescu stated ten days before the start of Operation Barbarossa.
"When it's a question of action against the Slavs, you can always count on Romania," Antonescu stated ten days before the start of Operation Barbarossa.you also forget that Romania gave permission to the Polish Army to evacuate through our territory:
Almost all those interned in transit camps in Hungary and Rumania escaped between the autumn of 1939 and the summer of 1940 and amounted to 15,978 officers and other ranks to Britain with another 1,378 from other countries. Under pressure, the Hungarian and Romanian governments became anti-Polish while the people remained largely supportive and assisted in escapes.http://www.polandinexile.com/escape.html
In Rumania as the camp head counts diminished, Rumanians officials regularly falsified returns with 'ghost' numbers to avoid the wrath of their German paymasters
It was a strategic error, and the warnings of Paulus and Manstein who said to Hitler that the front was empty north of Stalingrad for more than 100 km did not have any visible result. I have thinking a lot about that specific battle. The best conclusion that I come with is that they should have been sending the Romanian Armies to fight inside the town while using the armored German Armies to attack North and South of Stalingrad over Volga. This would have been encircling the Russian artillery that bombarded the city during the entire operation and in case of a counteroffensive the Germans would have been holding the line
EU brings to other states enslavement, financial debt and Islam. EU = the death of nations and the extinction of the European population.our debt comes from too much stealing by the cleptocracy in power. if we had a decent administration, we would absorb as much EU funds as possible and put this country on its feet, but it's hard to take EU money for free and build something with it, when you can steal taxpayer money with no accountability and do nothing.
My domain is political science, in particular international relations and security studies.
Now, I could live in a dream world like my Belgian friend, but unfortunately, I don't.
Is it plausible that education today isn't truthful, as it is based on lies in the first place?
Is it plausible that -- and you can find instances of this online -- that professors who seek to teach contemporary politics are fired, removed from tenure and seemingly made to look like "tin foil hat wearing" kooks?
Is it plausible that political journals, which is being used as a basis for argument, can be rife with bias?
Obama does want WW3. They're broke. They're trillions of dollars in debt. You know how you fix that? You create a phoney war.isn't it more simple not to pay? who's gonna strongarm US into paying anyway?
Tomorrow... I think I'll hang out with myself again,
Maybe even sport someone else's skin.
So if you hear some other cat kicking my rhymes,
Just remember his intestines might just be mine.
Cause any one of these 6 billion civilians could very well be this reptilian.
No matter how resilient or brilliant you think you are,
If i decide that i need a new host,
Somebody's pretty little shell's gonna get a new ghost.
Also, I'm worried about all those RIghtSector dudes, they are armed and unpredictable, and their dream is an ISIS-type scenario (on a Nationalist rather than Religious basis).
theire upset cause some ultras got arrested like that fatfuck stotnik(captain) Mykola
Its better for them to split apart and live the way each group wants to, they dont seem to be able to find a common language anymore and just live together
Is Ukraine getting help from the West?
The US says it is supplying Ukraine with non-lethal military equipment, including radios, vehicles and "non-lethal individual tactical gear".
Do you even know the premise of the first Gulf War?
Or why the US armed Iraq in the first place?
you don't sell weapons then sink all the profits in starting a war with your buyers, especially when you can sell weapons just fine in peace time too.
Bill Hicks was an awesome comedian, but he's just that.. a comedian.
It's not US fault that "balance of power in the world" is off. It is Russia who fails to keep up in the economic and arms race - so you should blame Russia first.
You should blame USA first, because they violate balance of power in the world, not Russia.&&
I blame USA the same as Russia.lol much?
It was not a dream border.But it is a dream border now and it has been for a quarter of a century.
Hard work makes me proud also. But Poles are hard workers, mostly. All around the world.
Still, I don't know where you are living.Why would that make any difference? It wouldn't change the validity of my arguments, would it?
1. It was agreement between USA and USSR/Russia also. And it is also natural that Russia will act something like now.
b) Is a gypsy hellhole where horse is the chosen form of transport and some pimp can beat the fuck out of Alexandra Stan in broad daylightwasn't really offended until i googled Alexandra Stan out of curiosity. people abroad listen to this shit?
@ Commentators west of the iron curtain:
Also kindly shut the fuck up about idiot commies being brain-fed propaganda considering your chosen print publication or news TV station/program is a Hearstonian/Murdochite hammer on the brain in-between ads and airings of whatever reality TV show is big now.
Putin isn't the enemy. Ukraine isn't the enemy. Countries in and of themselves are not the enemy. Leaders, their cronies, and the decisions they make are the enemy.
I never brought up a single protest. So your presumption is based on nothing and pretty stupid.
Now, your second part... are you actually trying to tell me that Russia is the only country in this world supplying other countries (or groups) with weaponry? I mean, you can't be, can you? Because that would make me, and almost anyone with a brain, think you're an idiot and incapable of objective thought. The USA supplies plenty of regimes with weaponry, "legally" and illegally. This is fact. Russia has supplied many countries with weaponry, you're right. However, if the separatists are to be assumed to be "Russian-supported" due to this, I guess you could say the Ukrainian army is also "Russian-supported." The Kiev government has purchased millions and millions of dollars of Russian built military weaponry. Another fact is that the DPK/LPK have taken many Ukrainian military bases in the areas of their control. This isn't unknown. It's then obvious to assume, at least to someone who isn't blinded by really poor "journalism", that these people have taken control of many military weapons. However, if you do enough digging you can find that this has also been confirmed by Kiev regarding weaponry/vehicle losses to the east.
Furthermore, even if Russia was supporting the separatists, which there is really no proof of (and by Russians, I'm talking the Russian military, not people of Russian descent), why is Russia considered the horrible enemy, yet the USA/EU dictators who are dipping their fingers in the issue aren't at fault? If you want to blame Putin, in this regard, you should also be bashing every other country getting involved in something they shouldn't be.
"Bring war to a nation with a political problem", excuse me, but do you mean Crimea?
The question is, then, why do you believe that Russia is more to blame than the west/EU?
The west supports a democratically elected government, so even if they did anything it would be quite righteous.sure, except that previous president who run away as coward was not properly deposed according to Ukraniane constitution.
They don't supply incredible weapons to the Ukrainians.orly? and you trashtalk, that others in this thread are brainwashed
They don't have voluenteers recruited for money with a slogan "For the greatness of EU, come and fight!".they have volunteers from all the Europe now, but the slogans are different. All nazi scum heading there to earn some money and support their spiritual brothers from Batalion Azov etc.
Most blame you could try and put would be during the peaceful Euromaidan protestwith croud making fire on the street with tires? That is your standard of peacfull demonstration?
trying to somehow imply that it was a European organized protest. I guess we'll never know,here is one of the few point where I agree
but it isn't a tenth as bad as what Russia is doing.They overthrew a corrupt politician that wasn't listening to his nation. He had come into power after the orange revolution electorate didn't work out, not because of it.so your standard of democracy is when you have a right to deside to overthrow the government in the foreignn country, because you think its bad for its nation? Hmmm, I heard such type of hypocracy somewhere.
They support a movement that is working against a democratically elected government. They sparked the conflict (sparking it happened not with the protests in Maidan, it was a peaceful protest not anything comparable). They have their leaders leading the separatists. There are Russian soldiers ON RUSSIAN COMMAND in Ukraine. There are loads of Russian separatists, coming in from Russia barely trained, for Russian money, recruited via flyers that don't say "Come help your Ukrainian bretheren". They say "Come, for the greatness of Russia, other Russians are dying and you must help our side".evidence? Oh wait, you have none, otherwise NATO was already in the Ukraine.
Denying that Russia is supplying the separatists with weapons at this point is ludicrous.nobody denies it. Russia supports Donbass/Luhanks just like US/EU support Ukraine. And there are solid evidence (OSCE reports among the others) of NATO firearms and shells being used by Ukraine, as well as old USSR armored vehicles from poland. And on the contrast Donbass/Luhansk people are not going to be enslaved in endless debts like the rest of the Ukraine, because Uncle Sam and his European partners are kindly "helping" with unbearable loans in the "hard moment for their friendly democratic nation"
Russian soldiers commanded by Russians, instructed by Russian authorities to come there.
Sure, no regular Russian army. Voluenteers coming for The greatness of Russia, for Russian money. Screams Russian government organized all over.you obviously did not happen to live in Ukraine or Russia. Otherwise you would have known, that Eastern Ukraine has very deep connection to Russia and vice versa. Also there are tons of people who totally dislike with situation with nazi in Ukraine which is about to get out of control and they are willing to stop that before it will cross our borders.
Comparing the protests with the conflict in the East doesn't make sense to me. Who says a conflict had to spring at all? The guy I linked provided a lot of proof, in case you want to read up about him.it makes alot of sense, because there always was deep split between east Ukraine and west Ukraine. People from both sides never liked each other. And I very clearly see that, they would like to be an autonomous part of Ukraine. Problem was, that Ukraine never gave them a chance to actually decide, whether they want to be separate or not. Would they have faught for their freedom without Russian support is another question. But hey our best intends are guard democracy, freedom and human rights in the Ukraine, that why we desided to support them, we know better, what they really want, just like US knows better for the other part.
that US/EU should also stop pumping money and firearms
Sure Russia is not the best country to live in, but hey, at least we have somewhat sane government here, which is not killing their own people for money.
I know that neither Europe nor US is supplying weapons to Ukraine:)
It is well known that there are very prominent neo-nazi factions in Ukraine at this moment (Right Sector, Azov battalion, to name a couple). To consider the whole west as being neo-nazi would be the same ignorance you're showing to Russian's. I feel sorry for the west the most.
Sorry, I don't need to make a new thread on ESReality.
Confirmed. You actually don't read what I write.
And to somehow dismiss the west/EU as being irrelevant, again, is your idiocy and naivete on the subject.
Also, invaded by separatists? THEY'RE UKRAINIAN PEOPLE.
being invaded by Russian led separatistsWhere is your evidence? You have none.
You'd be right if proponents of those theories maintained that an increased competition in the roads business (because of higher prospective returns) wouldn't take away resources from other branches (those with lower returns).
[...] Fair play isn't even defined in economics.Yes it is. "Non-aggression principle" - It is the corner stone of almost all market liberal theories. Aggression can also be of economical nature: establishment of syndicates, abuse of market position etc.
1) the murder victim presumably has family members or friendsNo. No relatives, No friends - now what? Lol, that almost felt to easy.
They select a number of judges offering their arbitration services on the market (presumably known for fair rulings in the past, otherwise either the defendant or the plaintiff would prefer another judge) If they make the effort of offering a number of judges and the suspected murderer refuses all of them without suggesting his judges, there will be widespread understanding that he's not willing to defend himself and the case can be ruled in absentia
If it does, case closed - murderer is put to jail or killedWho pays for jail? Or are your jails slave labor camps which finance themselves? I can't really see how a system like that could be abused....
The question of whether resources are scarce has nothing to do with the degree of competition in road building.
building a tunnel[...]helipadThe air above my roads is my property and the ground beneath it is my property as well. You do not have my permission to violate my property with your helicopter or to permanently violate it by building a tunnel. Go invent a teleporter or something...
The costs are: 1) the initial outlay for the road [...]a) I play fair until the initial costs are written off and i have a huge number of customers, than i crank up the prices.
2) the lost revenue [...]No helicopters above my grounds - the air is my property - don't violate my property. Lost revenue? No - I'll offer you employment in my company, but you will work a lot and will get no money. If you don't agree, good for you, starve to death, but you are not gonna use my road unless you sign.
Moreover, the murderer's company would suffer a great loss in the future if it were known on the market to patronize murderersThis is a) absurd and b) relies on the notion that the murderer is employed somewhere. Maybe he is the owner of a company or maybe he earns his living by murdering people and taking their stuff. ...
And why would they even go through the trouble?[...]Who says it is two companies (of approximately equal strength)?
Why would a judge decide to be unfair if it means it's the last ruling he'll be asked to make?
ideologyThank you. At this point we have agreed on something: it is an ideology, i.e. a believe system that may not logical to the vast majority of non-believers. I can show the faults and deficits of Christianity, Islam and Communism with a few lines, without having read the bible, the quran or "Das Kapital". While criticism on any of these ideologies (including yours) will be valid to non-believers, the zealot will reliably seek refuge in "But-but-but my book says otherwise and it is the only truth. Go read my book."
in fact what's been shown is that you're utterly unfamiliar with what you're trying to refuteYou confuse unfamiliarity with disagreement.
It's as if I started speaking whatever springs to my mind to you about programming or engineering and didn't recognize your refuting my faulty arguments.
Let's assume the year is 1776. Would you please be so kind as to point out any documented example in the history of mankind where a negro thrived without the benevolent assistance of his masterEasy enough. He was off way better before he was captured in Africa as a slave.
A second objection is that the rich (or powerful) could commit crimes with impunity, since nobody would be able to enforce judgment against them. Where power is sufficiently concentrated this might be true; this was one of the problems which led to the eventual breakdown of the Icelandic legal system in the thirteenth century.Hmm - that doesn't sound too good, does it?
Where [...] choose.Stop with the "ad hominem" arguments - it is getting ridiculous. If your best argument is "you don't know anything about economics trolololo" you might as well be quiet.
but from what we've seen you disregard a few key ones, like the discipline of constant dealings for example[...]focused on the short termFirst of all this is a straw man since I never claimed that everyone is focused on the short term all the time. Apart from that I somewhat doubt that the discipline of constant dealings is a commonly accepted economics law. Quick search with google only returns sides which are libertarian but mostly non-scientific and google scholar comes up empty... Hmmm - maybe it is not a commonly accepted economic law, but more of a libertarian idea?
And one more example[...]And this tells us what exactly? That it is possible to build a railroad without government? Gee thanks, I didn't know that.
About Iceland, again, let me repeat [...]About Iceland, again, let me repeat - the system only worked as long as power was somewhat evenly distributed. Pressure from the outside might have accelerated things, but the point still stands: the system doesn't work if there is a high variance in wealth/power, which will happen sooner or later.
And does the phenomenon of rich and powerful ...Yet another straw man. I never claimed that the current system was perfect. The current system favors the wealthy and the powerful (any system does) - but that is not a reason to adopt a system which favors the wealthy and powerful even more.
2) Crimea has only been apart of Ukraine for 60 years, compared to being within the Soviet Union FOR A FUCKTON LONGER.
They can erase the North American continent from this planet in seconds if they wanted.Neither you nor me know whether this is true or not, since we do know nothing about the state of US missile defense technology. So basically Russia can try, has no guarantee of success but would definitely be evaporated in the retaliation. Pakistan, North Korea, Israel and France can do the same thing basically. That doesn't make them major players though.
USA is the biggest bully in the worldYes. USA is way more powerful than China, India and Russia - so they are the biggest bully. But they are all equally bad in terms of bad character.
To me it looks like Russia is just trying to protect their people in Ukraine.
How the fuck can you cunts hold your heads up, and point the finger at Russia?USA government did terrible things, but how is that absolving Russia of their own crimes? why would Russia have a moral edge over USA?
Yes there is a war, it's a civil war - Russia hasn't invaded
All the while the USA and EU have been provoking Russia with all the troop deployment right on their doorstep.
An invasion is a military offensive in which large parts of combatants of one geopolitical entity aggressively enter territory controlled by another such entity, generally with the objective of either conquering, liberating or re-establishing control or authority over a territory, forcing the partition of a country, altering the established government or gaining concessions from said government, or a combination thereof.
...It remains an open question that these characters may be sleeping terror cells in Europe to support Russia in the future, as already suggested by German intelligence services, which in turn requires maximum effort from the Italian security agencies to prevent possible terror.
Last Login: 24 Feb 2022His country is at war, but he still has time to check ESR.
Understand that I'm equally as frightened seeing people in the West who know nothing about the Ukraine get ginned up with warmongering anger by CIA/State Dept. war propaganda. It's very tiresome to see these humanitarian liberals on the side of neo-nazis, wearing the Ukranian flag in the US Congress and supporting handing out kaloshnikovs and molotovs to civilians. This is just beyond the pale.
Ukraine was headed, slowly, towards a democratic and freer path
Russians in Russia need more freeing (not that it's feasible to do it and anyone is going to) than Russians in Ukraine. That is an undeniable fact if you look at what is going on in the two countries politically. The idea that fascism in Ukraine actually has anything to do with this, even as you previously present it as a vital strategic interest, just shows how deeply you've swallowed Russian propaganda. Ukraine was headed, slowly, towards a democratic and freer path, and Russia, because it has nothing other than energy and military might and cannot offer much to Ukrainians, is trying to prevent it by bombing cities.
The idea that fascism in Ukraine actually has anything to do with this, even as you previously present it as a vital strategic interest, just shows how deeply you've swallowed Russian propaganda. Ukraine was headed, slowly, towards a democratic and freer path, and Russia, because it has nothing other than energy and military might and cannot offer much to Ukrainians, is trying to prevent it by bombing cities.
I don't employ pre-conceived, morally ambiguous ideological concepts such as 'far right', 'fascism', 'democracy' and 'imperialism' and project them onto the real world.
I mean people talk about NATO and CIA and George Bush conspiracyIt's not a conspiracy, it's history.
you cannot believe that Russia's current actions are solving any of these problems - real or not.No one is saying that.
Yeah that's a problem, but nuking the restaurant isn't rational solution.No one is nuking anything. Obviously Putin didn't carpet bomb anything and it's not because he can't. With every civilian death Putin is losing. Zelensky handing out weapons to civilians is baiting for the Putin-is-a-murderer points.
Just like bombing residential areas - WHILE potentially ending some neo-Nazi livesNot sure if it happened. I'm not saying it didn't.
But I think I understand enough to know that what's currently happening is wrong.It is wrong, bad AND sad.
It's not a conspiracy, it's history.I was just throwing a few buzzwords there to emphasize that currently it's IRRELEVANT if it's history, conspiracy, fact or fiction. Shelling and killing needs to STOP. Not "soon" but now.
No one is nuking anythingThat was an anecdote - the soup and fly are also fictional before you start replying about the state of flies in UA. I was trying to say that the actions taken by Putin are misguided and excessive. You don't need to plow over cities with tanks if you're hunting nazies. The people you will kill in the process have nothing to do with it, most of them are probably against nazis themselves. You are killing innocents, random bystanders, some bloke who woke up and just wanted to buy groceries and play elden ring when he gets home. Instead he got torn apart by bombs because SOMEONE in Russia thinks SOME UA citizens are nazies. It's fucked up, clearly you can agree with that?
Not sure if it happened. I'm not saying it didn't.The fuck do you mean NOT SURE it happened? Am I being trolled hard right now? I know there are huge intelligence agencies that push their narrative on both sides. Not even on both sides, every country has an intelligence agency. To question WHY this atrocities happen is kinda understandable, but to deny the existance of it is completely insane.
There is no good guy.Agreed, I think US should be sanctioned just as well since they are currently bombing other countries and funding wars by proxy.
US of A are murderous sickos with military grade PR.
The Great Satan :)
The fuzz is about the blind, onedimensional hatred for "The Bad Guy" and puting yourself on the moral highground supporting "The Good Guy" and kicking anyone who isn't there with them to "Far right concentration camp".Agreed - UA is not without its sins - UA is not some holy grail of freedom and prosperity. Le reddit is going wild about Zelenskyy, picturing him as a marvel superhero and it's ridiculous. He's a Politian, not your friendly neighbor with high moral values.
So fuck Putin.
Fuck CIA and other glowing life forms.
Fuck John Cena and his commie empire.
Everlasting respect to the kind moderators of this amazing forum.
Oldschool Runescape is the best MMO ever created.
it's IRRELEVANT if it's history, conspiracy, fact or fictionFor normal people living in Ukraine? Absolutely.
Shelling and killing needs to STOP. Not "soon" but now.That might be connected to the history part.
You don't need to plow over cities with tanks if you're hunting nazies.No one cares about some nazis... or Ukrainians.
The fuck do you mean NOT SURE it happened?What I mean is there's a lot of "news" showing a bomb dropping on a parking lot as a proof of genocide. Apparently someone tried to sell Arma 3 clip as war footage.
however it doesn't justify Russia's actions.Yeah, there's no justification for being an antichrist. Even when you put yourself into role of anti-antichrist ;)
Le reddit is going wild about Zelenskyy, picturing him as a marvel superhero and it's ridiculous.Even more ridiculous is morbidly obese l*dditors asking if they can join FREEDOM ARMY :`)
Cheers bro 8)No fun allowed? Okay ;-)
Just try to keep it "clean", I know this thread is a cesspool of racism and borderline nuke-worthy comments but let's keep it civil.
I was once in russia, life seemed normal, you can be an artist there, you can be a sportsman there, you can work there, what is this fucking freedom?
Rule by Russia, which has ruled the Ukraine for the past 400 years
instead of the completely alien State Dept., would be a bit closer to sovereignty and democracy, don't you think?
Yeah, they have ruled Ukraine for the past 400 years.
He stole the Russian Federation out from the jaws of oligarchic capitalist vultures
and raised it to the status of a world power with a serious economy
just respect the achievements for what they are instead of pretending like he is Stalin reprised.
I'm not exactly clutching at straws here - the onus is on you to show how this is a 'crushing dictatorship'
I guess sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire.
But the Russians don't have a whole battalion of them now, do they?
I just dont get it. Russian sportsmen banned here and there just because they are russia. No relation to war or whats so ever. Just because they are russia
that forbid russian language
More then 12k "separatists" were killed in Donbas region
"So, Russian military operation is not invasion, Russian not trying to conquest or plunder Ukraina. This is act of demilitarization and denazificaion."
Or your words of 17yo weight more then dozens of independend media reporters?
"Russia is just mad fucking mess just wanna kill everyone".
But you watching funny ticktok videos
It's happens everywhere, but it's like small incidents forced by some underground freaks.
If Russia were as brutal as you saying, this operation would be already over.
That how terrorists work, using people as human shield
There is obvious difference between small group of nazi teenagers that manadge to organize a march. And army of grown man, with guns and power. That push neo-nazi idiology inside it's country.
So there is only one way left to stop this.YES there is - fuck off back to Russia - you keep forgetting the fact that EVEN if what you're saying is true - there's still russian brainless soldiers in ANOTHER contry defending itself.
I doubt that this "intel slava Z" is a Russian telegram channel.
Russia is not invading Ukraine
Telling you once again Russia is not targeting civilians.
the hypocrisy is astronomical
more doubt from Kremlin propagandists: https://twitter.com/kamilkazani/status/1509975832021901312
and more important, doubt from Russian soldiers who refuse to enroll in this criminal war: https://twitter.com/kamilkazani/status/1509979072365056008
why would they fight over lies anyway? why would they fight in the name of oligarchs with $500+ million yachts and palaces abroad? who robbed them of their own money and living standards?
For example, Scott Ritter, Richard Medhurst, The Grayzone, The Jimmy Dore Show.who the fuck cares about these clowns? I linked Yaakov Kedmi (Kremlin-approved propagandist and former KGB agent) and Igor Strelkov (main orchestrator of Donbas occupation), just to illustrate the mood of Russian failure.