I can't seem to get over the scene in North America
Out of everything I've played, nothing has done it for me quite like Threewave CCTF. It never really was a popular mod, and now it's totally dead. there isn't even servers available these days. I tried playing on some UK server the other day, but it's pretty hard to grapple around effectively with a 200+ ping.(Somehow I managed to cap the flag having 9 health during the whole run there and back though, lol)
I also found that when CCTF was somewhat happening around here, the dumb newbiess would always choose ctfs in the voting portal (no offense to newbs, I just _really_ hate ctfs)

Anyways, just wondering if anyone else out there feels some love for imo the best mod for q3 and most fun thing to play :x

I even have a threewave t-shirt!! (the blue/hammer one)

Well, R.I.P CCTF I guess ;(