Deception is a very special and very controversial 'team' trickjumping movie. What could be so controversial about trickjumping, you may ask. Almost nothing, besides the fact that it was made with use of a Visor (yes, a bot) and scripts.
There is a discussion going on on opc forum (trickjumpers hangout) whether this still qualifies as tricking.
Tricks themselves are amazing, improbable and impossible to pull off by a human team.
You may love it, you may hate it, but you definitely have to see it!
There is a discussion going on on opc forum (trickjumpers hangout) whether this still qualifies as tricking.
Tricks themselves are amazing, improbable and impossible to pull off by a human team.
You may love it, you may hate it, but you definitely have to see it!
- Movie File ( 216MB
- Google Video (239 clicks)
- (69 clicks)
- (4454 clicks)
Edited by netrex at 16:59 GMT, 17th May 2004 - 198522 Hits
Hall of Fame: Enjoyable (added to hof by netrex)
Hall of Fame: Enjoyable (added to hof by netrex)