Smireboule is proud to present his first production. An explosive trailer with a new and exclusive freecam. Enjoy!
Smireboule has created Smireboule CameTrace 3D v0.98 for recamming in ET. Hopefully he'll create versions for RTCW and Quake 3 too. The camming is so smooth and precise, I hate to say it, but it puts defrag recamming to shame. Check out the trailer and see for yourselves and let's hope we see a Quake 3 version soon. It could bring a whole new life to Quake 3 trick movies.
Smireboule has created Smireboule CameTrace 3D v0.98 for recamming in ET. Hopefully he'll create versions for RTCW and Quake 3 too. The camming is so smooth and precise, I hate to say it, but it puts defrag recamming to shame. Check out the trailer and see for yourselves and let's hope we see a Quake 3 version soon. It could bring a whole new life to Quake 3 trick movies.
- Movie File (R3_ET_Clan_Trailer.rar) 123MB
- (2818 clicks)
- NGI (1224 clicks)
- (more screenshots here) (1869 clicks)
- (819 clicks)
- (1162 clicks)
Edited by Sujoy at 14:04 GMT, 7th Feb 2005 - 93111 Hits
Hall of Fame: Enjoyable (added to hof by netrex)
Hall of Fame: Enjoyable (added to hof by netrex)
A must-see not just for all who like ET/RTCW, but also for those who enjoy watching well made gaming-movies :)