Event: ESWC 2005
Bags are packed and i'm ready to go to Paris. Its 8am and I have 6 hours before I need to be at the airport for my flight to ESWC. I've still got a few things to get (toiletries and small things), but in the main im ready for what promises to be an exceptional World Cup.Ive just checked my Hotel and its right next to the event, which is great, but its a 30km ride on the bus from the airport, which with my limited French, I am hoping to make without a hitch!
I'm due into Paris at 6pmCET and will head straight for the Hotel, where I am due to meet up with Tosspot. We then have a meeting with the ESWC technical team and dinner together with the iTG crew to discuss our plans.
Finally its on to the opening ceremony and perhaps an early chance to grab some initial thoughts from the competitors.
Im particularly looking forward to meeting up with Astz again as weve not seen each other for 7 or 8 months (WCG/ECTS 2004) as well as meeting some of the other guys ive spoken to only in IRC before, like DevilMC and Luxxiz.
Excited isnt the word right now!
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