Event: ESWC 2005
Well the flight was a bit of a nightmare, some problem with the plane initially meaning a delayed departure and some turbulence during the flight that not even Muse on the MP3 player could help me ignore. Then sat in traffic for an hour on the way from the airport. (The size of Charles de Gaulles airport is truely astonishing though).Hotel was a nightmare to find too, at least with my complete disorientation when I arrived!
So moans over! or maybe not...
Arrived at the Louvre de Carrousel at about 10pm local time. Met up with the guys from iTG and Fred (GGL) and initially spent the first hour assembling our area with the help of the organisers here at the event, who I must say are working their arses off.
As a side note, we've also had some really constructive and friendly chats with the guys from VBCast.
Without wishing to worry anyone, it seems as if our internet may well be highly restricted which could affect both crews chances of putting on a great show for you guys back home.
Having said that, we are (Marcus and Fred) speaking with VBCast heads right now as I type this entry, trying to find a way of working together to get the best coverage out to everyone. Perhaps in the face of adversity, something great can be done, but as of now its purely discussions and I'm not at liberty to divulge any further info in any event :/
Suffice to say, we are working hard to make sure the coverage will be superb and to make our area look great. Its 1.15am and whilst wheat and fred get on with the negotiations, im gonna head on back to the iTG/GGL stand to help finish off the setup with Toss.
A long night still awaits us I fear...
p.s. Havent had time to take in much of the city as yet, what with arriving late etc, will attempt to upload some early pics taken here at the Louvre tomorrow.
UT2004 groups have been sorted out. Group A has Falcon, Hypno, Rmzs, Evenflow. Group 2 has DevilMC, Winz, Lotus and Varagh. Group C looks like the group of death however with Lauke, Astz, Rox and donnie in it! and finally in Group D is CombatCarl, Killu, Zeta and the spare spot vacated by Luxxiz not being here.
Edited by iTG`ReDeYe at 00:22 GMT, 6th Jul 2005 - 3275 Hits