Event: ESWC 2005
8:07CET Paris, we draw towards the end of a hectic first (broadcasting) day with Tosspot currently at the mic for some warcraft3.I myself have just come away from chatting with czm and clock about the Q3 tourney and that was preceeded by casting the Astz v Lauke Group 3 game. It was a highly interesting match with Laukes map (Rough) being won by Astz and likewise, Astz's map being won by Lauke.
The decider was Rankin and despite taking an early 7-2 lead, Astz decided to back off and run a little too much. Lauke caught him and the game was tied 9-9 with 2 minutes to go, but crucially with Lauke having map control and being heavily stacked. Lauke made two further kills within 30 seconds and ended Astz's chances of going through to the second round group stage. The cast was thoroughly enjoyable and I hope you guys managed to view/listen in to the game. It was a real pleasure working with Carmac and EvenFlow as well, two great guys with loads of knowledge of the game.
Earlier in the day, Toss and wheat covered the Q3 battle between Jibo and Toxic, with Jibo winning through in 3 maps. We also had a star studded cast on the "GGL Couch" too, with Astz, Lauke and Jibo all being interviewed by Carmac.
Just as we wind up, we had the great news through from HQ that the Euro stream is now up for the video link and having looked at it just now, I have to say its phenomenally enhanced over the US link (for us euros), smooth and the sound is spot on.
So, now its off to plan tomorrows action with wheat and Carmac and perhaps try and find somewhere to eat for the first time since I arrived in Paris...yes im bloody hungry, very tired, but thrilled at being here and doing the job I love so much, so my stomach pains and feet aching are merely minor issues right now compared to how I feel ^^.
Im sorry to those in IRC for a lack of updates, but IRC has been hugely unpredictable for us here in the media area as well as from our main desk. We also need to maximise what limited bandwidth we have at the main casting area and therefore we dont dare use anything net related whilst casting (which weve done for around 9 or so hours today). I will attempts to get another PC dedicated to IRC/ESR/GGL updates tomorrow.
Finally a couple of stories (as they always seem to crop up at these events) that made me chuckles or at least raise a smile. The first involves me going very red in the face! imagine that! redeye speechless!, yep thats right it happened. A random spectator tapped me on the shoulder and asked if he could have his picture taken with me... (My initial shock lead to me believing this guy thought I was someone else...), thankfully he spared me further embarrasment by not asking for an autograph. BLIMEY! Shocked to say the least I was.
The Second story also involves a french person who shall remain nameless to protect his shame... he asked me where he would find DJ8. Initially I said I had no idea who this was, but then I thought maybe id mis-heard him so I asked him again and said "you mean dJWheat right"?", yes, he replied "I wasnt sure if you knew french...", err nor was I!, it turned out hed heard someone talking about dJwheat and wanted to find him, what he thought tho, was that he was called DJhuit, as in the number 8 in french...lol a fine way to end my first day here in Paris.
We have been given 24 hours worth of wireless access back at the hotel from this evening, so we will attempt to upload some/all the demos, casts, photographs and some special video footage that we werent able to broadcast today. We are of course recording everything we cover, so even if it doesnt go out live, you should be able to see it at some point this week.
signing off, a weary but very happy ReDeYe.
Edited by iTG`ReDeYe at 19:29 GMT, 6th Jul 2005 - 1470 Hits