Without Wheat and Blankz (they are still showering, probably together lathering up!) we have made our way to the event and arrive with no Intel booth built yet, but I have my first glimpse of the highly anticipated Q4. Or rather a glimpse of the Q4 hosted area and the logos around it. Uploaded below, as I felt I owed you guys at least one pic ;)
17:30 Dallas Time 10/08/2005.
Quake 4 looks incredible. There, you have it first hand and in the morning (Dallas time) you will be able to see it for yourself in action. The first video is shot, I just can't upload it yet for you guys because of agreements in place here. First thing in the morning though, it will already have been uploaded and I will post the link to it here. It looks great, but I cant really tell you how it feels just yet as we were kept at arms length whilst some guy played it (he had no idea how to strafe or jump though) so its hard to tell how fast it is at the moment. Tomorrow we may be able to bring you a few more bits on the game.
I'm back in my room here at the Gaylord and despite being moved twice before, we now have an ajourning room to the other iTG guys. I am sure wild parties will commence when wheat arrives back!.
I spent an hour or so in the sports bar this afternoon with niceguyED which was really relaxing and then we went to Steak and Shake and had a double steak burger and the greatest milk shake ive ever had in my life (strawberry cheescake with ice cream, flavour).
Why havent we done any work yet? simple, we have no connection as of yet with a few issues to work out on the logistics. I have popped back to update my journal, upload it and try and get the Qcon gallery up before I head back down to help setup our area within the Intel area.
A second day is almost over but tomorrow the real fun starts with our first video and audio casts. We will, as I understand it, be concentrating on ET tomorrow as the other games sort them selves out with a bunch of free-for-alls. So until tomorrow.
8100 Hits
i hope it's going to be better than doom3 :/
the lame q4 logo is a bad sign... they just took the q1 rune and put i on a greenish background...
looking forward to gameplay reviews though!