Event: QCon 05
Well its been so busy I havent even been able to update the journal or upload any new pics/videos.Its Saturday morning here right now and its hectic, so I dont have time to do a full journal entry, but wow I have so much to tell you guys, its just gonna have to wait sadly.
What I can do is give u two more exclusive videos I shot yesterday. Hopefully that should make u happy :p
The first is a ramp jump trick kinda video, just to show u whats possible in Q4 physics. The second one is a bit longer and shows off some movement at speed and some rocket jumps.
Just grab them here : http://itg.filecloud.com/files/file.php?user_file_id=42726 and http://itg.filecloud.com/files/file.php?user_file_id=42727
We have a really full schedule today, so I will be casting and updating you as and when i can in between. Stay tuned and why not come and join me in #radioitg or #esreality on quakenet.
hf today guys. Enjoy the vids.
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