Event: QCon 05
So it has ended and with it, my chance to take any more video of Quake 4 in action. I want to start by saying thanks to the guys here at ESR and all those who mirrored the video all over the net. You know its hit the net hard when Angel Munoz tells you in person that he downloaded your vid!So here they are, as promised a little jet lagged and a little later than planned, the final Quake 4 videos I had left on my hard drive. Citizen is once again the player in the vids. Two videos, one with cit on his own showing off some leet rocket jumps and the other from some action with other players in. This one shows off some nice rocket kills and some gauntlet bludgeoning!
I will write up my thoughts on the whole event in my next journal, but meanwhile my body is still adapting back to BST (Bullshit stupid time aka UK time).
Lets hope we dotn have to wait too long for the real thing now :) 11th Oct seems a good bet right now.
Video 1 : Rocket Jumps : http://www.filecloud.com/files/file.php?user_file_id=44056
Video 2 : Rocket and gauntlet kills : http://www.filecloud.com/files/file.php?user_file_id=44057
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