So the cat is out of the bag, with the news that iTG will be casting the Quake 4 1v1 at CPL Winter in Dallas next week.
Needless to say I have been bursting to tell people about this exciting news for a week or so now but I was also under strict instructions from management not to say anything or my genitals would be cut from my body (you dont want to mess with trillian on these issues trust me). Finally, though, the announcement is out there and for the most part has been well recieved. Certainly the community have had their say and their requests have been listened to by a lot of people.
From a personal point of view its a bitter sweet moment. One hand I am thrilled that we are finally to work with CPL, it is one of the few organisations that we hadnt worked with in 2005. By the same token I will not be attending the event as I had already been asked to cover and manage the event in Shanghai, China for CIG (Chinese Internet Gaming). This happens the same weekend as CPL Winter and as we need to ensure both events get good coverage with the right people, we have had to split our staff accordingly, with me managing the China event.
I cant say I am dissapointed to be going to China because I am thrilled of the prospect of casting out of China for the first time, but yes, after casting Q4 from Dreamhack and for the last 2 weeks in Clanbase's Eurocup, there is a little piece of me that would love to be in Dallas too. I must pray for Star Trek transporter rooms in the future.
I say this becqause even though 2005 is not finished just yet, 2006 is already looking immense for iTG in terms of the events and shows we will be covering. We have a huge amount of work ahead of us, but I wouldnt swap it for a million pounds.
I do have some personal worries, so this is a kind of call out to those who can help. TsN and iTG have, for some time, been bitter enemies although I myself am not party to the disruption between the two stations and already on the main thread of the CPL announcement it is clear that people think this will be a bitter feud that spills over into the CPL event. It is clear that many people on both sides have axes to grind with each other, but for the good of gaming coverage, this needs to be put to bed once and for all. I have no doubt that both sides will act professionally at the event and will keep any resentment out of their work. It can only be a good thing for e-sports broadcasting that two stations are present to push each other forward and enhance peoples views and viewing of the games we show. Nothing else should matter.
So, CPL and CIG in the same weekend for us. Here we come CPL Quake 4 and here I come China, the action will be worth watching and listening to.
Needless to say I have been bursting to tell people about this exciting news for a week or so now but I was also under strict instructions from management not to say anything or my genitals would be cut from my body (you dont want to mess with trillian on these issues trust me). Finally, though, the announcement is out there and for the most part has been well recieved. Certainly the community have had their say and their requests have been listened to by a lot of people.
From a personal point of view its a bitter sweet moment. One hand I am thrilled that we are finally to work with CPL, it is one of the few organisations that we hadnt worked with in 2005. By the same token I will not be attending the event as I had already been asked to cover and manage the event in Shanghai, China for CIG (Chinese Internet Gaming). This happens the same weekend as CPL Winter and as we need to ensure both events get good coverage with the right people, we have had to split our staff accordingly, with me managing the China event.
I cant say I am dissapointed to be going to China because I am thrilled of the prospect of casting out of China for the first time, but yes, after casting Q4 from Dreamhack and for the last 2 weeks in Clanbase's Eurocup, there is a little piece of me that would love to be in Dallas too. I must pray for Star Trek transporter rooms in the future.
I say this becqause even though 2005 is not finished just yet, 2006 is already looking immense for iTG in terms of the events and shows we will be covering. We have a huge amount of work ahead of us, but I wouldnt swap it for a million pounds.
I do have some personal worries, so this is a kind of call out to those who can help. TsN and iTG have, for some time, been bitter enemies although I myself am not party to the disruption between the two stations and already on the main thread of the CPL announcement it is clear that people think this will be a bitter feud that spills over into the CPL event. It is clear that many people on both sides have axes to grind with each other, but for the good of gaming coverage, this needs to be put to bed once and for all. I have no doubt that both sides will act professionally at the event and will keep any resentment out of their work. It can only be a good thing for e-sports broadcasting that two stations are present to push each other forward and enhance peoples views and viewing of the games we show. Nothing else should matter.
So, CPL and CIG in the same weekend for us. Here we come CPL Quake 4 and here I come China, the action will be worth watching and listening to.
4712 Hits
iTG > TSN for Quake