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obscurantism (17 comments)
Posted by ninja @ 20:20 CDT, 14 June 2003 - iMsg
... --- -.--
12677 Hits
My Fake Job (7 comments)
Posted by ninja @ 20:30 CST, 29 March 2003 - iMsg
Days 1-16 and Day 17

I can imagine SiT doing this.

An hour fell of my clock earlier but I used a thumbtack to stick it back on. I hope it holds.
Edited by ninja at 02:32 GMT, 30th Mar 2003 - 7046 Hits
idios kosmos (17 comments)
Posted by ninja @ 06:44 CST, 25 January 2003 - iMsg
A log of my private reality (or how to write crap for fun and profit).

The critics are amazed:
yle="margin-left: 40px;">Rolling Stone says: have an experience that
grabs you right from the beginning and won't let go!
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Edited by Sujoy at 20:58 GMT, 6th Mar 2005 - 9241 Hits
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