Oh goddamn what a weird dream, the whole night was pretty weird, it seems I only slept in like 5 minute segments, waking up,
twisting around, falling asleep again after a couple of seconds. Continuing with the dream though:
My father, my brother, a really big naked baby(like a half meter long, imagine a human version of that world's biggest cat
picture), are out on a field in the countryside, by a lake. We notice weird shaped silhouettes doing weird things on the other side of the lake, it looks like a fight going on on, so we decide to swim over there, my dad takes the giant naked baby in his arms and swims without using his hands. When we arrive, everyone has disappeared, and we're in a little field with a house. The house is wooden and looks pretty old and worn. We look around and can't find anyone, the bottom floor of the house looks pretty normal.
Then my dad calls out that someone is coming, from down the road, and it's a little girl. My dad gets out in the road to greet her, and begins to talk to her. He decides for her to join my brother and me outside the house, but as soon as she gets close enough to see me, she begins screaming at the top of her lungs for a breath or two, without explanation. My dad calms her down and she then begins to tell us about the people who she lives with here, that they transform into animals(and usually common one like cows and horses, I'm not sure how they are evil, but they are), they are mutants with a curse. Then all of a sudden spiderman rises out of a bush, walks up to the entrance of the house, and my dad explains to the girl "Spiderman is a mutant, just like your family as well! He's going to hunt them down and find out what they are doing!". The girl walks away. We decide to explore the house, the house looks fairly normal, but when I reach the top floor which is a sort of attic/top floor room, it's very very dirty with a lot of debris.
Up there I find Oskar from work, committing some crime, I can't remember what. All of a sudden Anders Bodbacka from work appears, grabs me by my feet from the stairs and tries to pull me down the stairs. I manage to shake him off, and all of a sudden a patrol of builders run up the stairs and start remodeling the room, and it looks like with prison gadgets. Balls and chains, a new steel door to go above the stairway and more of the sort. Oskar has now been bound with a gag and is shuffling around on the floor. He is probably the one that's going to be staying in this cell. I decide to try to sneak away, and as I take the last step on the stair, construction workers from above scream "Don't let him get away, he's also committed the crime!", and I begin to run through the corridor on the middle floor. But as I run, I notice the corridor has gotten really really small, and in the end I have to lie down on my stomach, put my arms to my side and shuffle towards the stairs, squeeze barely around the corner by making myself into an L-shape, slide down the stairs and open the door with my mouth.
I finally get out and I tell dad to grab the giant baby(who's oh so adorable but also a bit revolting because of it's size) and my dad and brother follow me out to the back of the house, which is quite similiar to my own house from this perspective. In the window I can see Simon from work going to the bathroom, I wave to him, he waves to me, and then looks down from the window at the ground closer to the house, horrified. I follow his eyes and what I see there is a normal sized naked baby with a bigger head than usual, it's mouth open, and blue shining eyes, it's clearly not human, slowly walking towards my father.
My dad runs back to me and gives me the giant baby, I put its enormous weight and size in my arms. And he then runs back towards the demon baby to try to keep it away from our own baby. A droning noise appears as my dad tries to block the path of the demon baby, and my brother screams "It's too late! Look at his eyes!" and I notice the giant baby's eyes are beginning to glow blue and his mouth is open. I decide to take a deep breath, fill my lungs and scream as loud and as powerfully as I can at the demon baby as well as the giant baby, I notice the color in their eyes fading, and tell my brother and father to do the same, and we make this really really powerful sound, screaming at the top of our lungs, and the demon baby drops dead to the ground, while my giant baby coos a bit and laughs, and no longer has the blue eyes. I ticke it a bit on the belly, then I wake up.