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FD Interview Chance, DKT and Rapha! (18 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 12:33 CST, 6 January 2009 - iMsg
Over at Frag Dominant they have conducted some extensive interviews with some of the participants of their upcoming 2v2 Quake 3 cup, with more on the way! The players share their thoughts on the tournament and their lives both inside and outside of gaming. Obviously Q3 and Quake Live feature extensively in these articles!

Tournament Information

United States of America Brian 'DKT' Flander
United States of America Chance 'chance' Lacina
United States of America Shane 'Rapha' Hendrixson
Edited by xou at 13:27 CST, 6 January 2009 - 8217 Hits
Dev Journal: Themes (24 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 08:35 CST, 3 November 2008 - iMsg
Hi Guys,

I've added a 'new' theme to ESR for your usability pleasure. It's a green version of the default ESR theme, still in Beta (although really it's a very simple change) let me know if you find any bugs / problems with it. Or anything else you'd like to see in the theme department.

10767 Hits
Brain stopped working.... (17 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 18:02 CDT, 21 October 2008 - iMsg
Right my brain has stopped working,

Some bugs have been mentioned with the default+ theme i added. I've made some changes to that which should resolve most of the issues. These changes have also been applied to all + theme's however they shouldn't have any noticeable effect on those themes.

The 'slow down' problem, doesn't appear to be something i can do anything about. Nicky is relaying Ad issues to the relevant parties.

Orange and Orange+ have a bug where by the nav option for site is on 3 lines instead of 2 (goes outside the box) I'm aware of it and will look into it tomorrow.

Sujoy has resolved the JS errors on the site, anymore please let us know. Screenshots and short descriptions help to bring bugs to our attention so please if reporting one attach a screenie, browser and version are also important.

5308 Hits
Network Configuration (17 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 11:13 CDT, 12 September 2008 - iMsg
Looking for a bit of confirmation, i'm wanting to supernet a class B network which is current setup as class C's. I'm just wanting some confirmation that i'm not barking up the wrong tree. Network config is as follows
2-80 configured as class c in the b address space

Setting up /19 (

Fingers crossed... this shouldn't affect any of the other networks? True or?
3695 Hits
Chinese Blog (10 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 09:02 CDT, 5 September 2008 - iMsg
One of the guys from work is writing a blog to do with virtualisation and various other technologies. It's in chinese, but any chinese users are welcome to visit!
Edited by Levi215 at 09:03 CDT, 5 September 2008 - 3577 Hits
Re: needs dodge jump. (No comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 11:25 CDT, 20 October 2007 - iMsg
UT:CTF was my absolute favourite mod, transloc was great and i hope the gravity in this will make it feel the same, but again it was the game / mod i started with so i'm bound to love it the most. I guess i really started with Q2 CTF and for me UT felt much better than Q3 in CTF so i stuck with it, but i enjoy both tdm and ctf. I have all my fingers and toes crossed for this one i was looking forward to q4 for something to grab my attention again after the boom of ut/q3 just hope this is it
6727 Hits
Hardware advice (43 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 07:56 CDT, 18 October 2007 - iMsg
I'm putting together a new setup for general use / games. I'm prefereably wanting to go for plat panel rather than CRT for space / power / weight and so on. At the moment i'm on a IIyama 22" CRT and love the huge screen so i'm wanting to go for a duel screen setup of around 20". The question is are there any good LCD's of this size that can cope with games like Quake / UT without the blurring. I know Sujoy is using some which he was very impressed with at the various centres he's running but i believe they're only 19".

Also i guess very few people are running SLI setups but i was wondering what people actually thought of it. The various reports show that in reality the gain in performance isn't that much great, is that simply because the graphics cards aren't being pushed by the current rate of products?

Furthermore i've realised that Quad Core isn't Quad Core but 2 Dual Core dies on the single CPU. In terms of performance this creates a real bottleneck for multi-threaded applications. Is quad core really worth it when it's not truly a quad core config?

Input very much appreciated.
9115 Hits
Audi A5 Yes please (124 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 09:20 CST, 20 February 2007 - iMsg
Looks amazing, lovely car.
50756 Hits
I don't like..... (40 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 16:23 CST, 4 February 2007 - iMsg
I don't like the new theme for not as easy to read as the old one and less usable imo. Discuss.
10160 Hits
Levitation Download Centre Returns (21 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 16:25 CST, 29 January 2007 - iMsg
Hi All,

Just a quick note to say we've managed to secure new hosting for our download centre and i've also done some code optimisations. We'll be updating the files regularly to the best of our abilities so i hope you'll return to us with a bang :) The max download slots is now over 250 with the usual high speeds. Let me know if there are any problems.

*edit* updated with some new files, including Q3 legend CD for those who don't have it.


Edited by ESR|Nicky at 00:08 CST, 30 January 2007 - 6838 Hits
Cheats Exposed (91 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 12:01 CST, 6 January 2007 - iMsg
So now we've all digested this cheats thing. What are the moral arguments to and for what happened, is one evil to expose another valid? In theory what Fusen did is a computer crime against a company. So in theory that company can sue for damages, as can all the players who have bought these 'products' (depending on T&C). When money is involved in buying products it all becomes a different ball games. Obviously the majority of responses will be 'well they cheat they deserve it' but is it worth going to prison for? Are you really that bothered if people cheat? Personally i'm not.

Two wrongs don't make a right

Edited by Levi215 at 12:05 CST, 6 January 2007 - 7031 Hits
New-School Q3 (43 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 08:05 CST, 2 December 2006 - iMsg
Before i start on my little 'thinking out loud' post, let me first say, if you're going to whine or even mention OSP vs CPM vQ3 then sod off. That said; i've been watching some demos from the CPL games and granted i'm not a quaker (at least not a good one, 'ok' at cpma (but anyway)) but to me it seems in the old demos the movement of players was all about the same, with the new mod it seems there is a real difference in a ability of movement, especially speed and acceleration. Is it me perseving this? or is it the cpma code?

Edited by Levi215 at 08:36 CST, 2 December 2006 - 7010 Hits
Redeye (17 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 17:45 CST, 26 November 2006 - iMsg
Well i've been friends with Paul for a long time, and although we've locked horns on several occasions over various topics i always thought about his points and respected his opinions. The reason for this short little entry is to ask. What, The, Hell.

So we've heard recently from 240 on esr that Paul is leaving gaming and all left our comments of good wishes and so on. So being the inquisitive person i am i thought i'd have a look on iTG and GGL to see what some of the other communities have said. But alas there is no mention of it on either site? Being dedicated to iTG and GGL for a reasonable amount of time i would have expected something.... but nothing? So i reiterate what the hell?!

4033 Hits
Peter Crouch Can Do anything. (6 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 19:36 CST, 18 November 2006 - iMsg
It's probably been done, but i thought hey what the hell. Made me chuckle at least.

Edited by Levi215 at 12:10 CST, 19 November 2006 - 23284 Hits
IE7 Useablity update (39 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 08:20 CDT, 20 October 2006 - iMsg
After my previous post about IE7 being released i just wanted to add some more info about it. The tab interface is very much like the firefox with ctrl t opening new tabs and so on. One of the nice features is you can push a button which shinrks all windows and show you all open tabs in mini squares, a really nice overview feature to quickly switch between tabs visually.
Also like firefox there is a default search box, you can add search engines like modules from a microsoft site which is an xml based add in, which is nice that there is a standard, also on the page there is a form to create a custom search field. Which you can then pull into the I.E. search field.
Favourites, History and RSS are all handeled through the same sidebox which makes it a lot easier to navigate and use. It's a simplistic interface with a lot of the firefox features and a whole host more. Worth giving it a shot i think, from a useability pov it's coming close to firefox and obviously the microsoft integration features are there.
Microsoft are obviously taking security on board and have integrated the standard blocking features from their search bar and have included an interface to a central phishing list to try to improve overall net security.


Further to Jamerios comments i'm running 8 tabs on both i.e. 7 and firefox (Firefox V2 RC3), but with the same windows open in each one i.e. is using 23Mb of ram while firefox is using 80
Edited by Levi215 at 09:07 CDT, 20 October 2006 - 4797 Hits
IE7 Released (15 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 10:10 CDT, 19 October 2006 - iMsg
I know most of you are probably firefox users (at least those clued in are) but in any case IE7 has been officially released from Microsoft.
The new version is the first upgrade to the web browsing program for more than five years.

New features include tabbed browsing, the ability to search the net directly and an anti-fraud system to thwart phishing attacks.

The new program is available as a free download on 19 October, but many will get it as an automatic update to Windows XP in November.
Download here
Source BBC

Edited by Levi215 at 10:57 CDT, 19 October 2006 - 3189 Hits
The Battle of the cars (11 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 14:17 CDT, 3 October 2006 - iMsg
Must read this in sequence, good for a laugh!
Edited by Levi215 at 14:18 CDT, 3 October 2006 - 4058 Hits
Terrorism in Ancient Rome (1 comment)
Posted by Levi215 @ 15:03 CDT, 1 October 2006 - iMsg
Ancient Rome to New York 2001.

A brilliant piece of writing in my opinion, well reasoned with good historical knowledge behind it.

An interesting read on terrorism
1852 Hits
215 on $100,000 for HL2 (15 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 05:59 CDT, 14 August 2006 - iMsg
Ok so i'm a getting tired of repeating myself on multiple threads, but for all those who commented and got +'d for banging on about how it's "bringing down eSport" how the "prize distribution was none-existant" wake up and smell the roses.

The reason there was $100,000 put up by Verizon was because thats a substantial amount, giving it to one person also means people will look up and take interest. What they will take interset in is that fact that Verizon just pushed out a new fibre link connection. It's all about the fact verizon have a new product and can get media attention easily by putting a big number to an on-line competition. It's all about marketing and nothing to do with eSports and Competition, let alone the game. Why do none of you see this?
2798 Hits
On a side note (4 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 12:53 CDT, 5 August 2006 - iMsg
Edited by Levi215 at 12:58 CDT, 5 August 2006 - 1767 Hits
Pizza Hut Salad Value for money (9 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 05:16 CDT, 1 August 2006 - iMsg
I have seen many different varieties of building up the side of your salad bowl at pizza hut to maximise the amount of salad which you can cram into the bowl. I personally use one layer of cucumber just to bolster the sides a little. However this group of students found a new way, and took construction to an empire state building level. Take a look.

The Construction
Edited by Sujoy at 05:30 CDT, 1 August 2006 - 3561 Hits
Q4 1.3 Initial Thoughts (26 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 15:58 CDT, 31 July 2006 - iMsg
For me it's a lot faster and feels generally nicer, but the aspect ratios still seem out to me. It seems to be stretched in the verticle compared to all the other games i play but when you boost it up to fov 120 it looks fine and feels very very fast, more so than Q3 i would say. The qw map remake retro something or other is really a very very poor job imo. I've played a bit of quakeworld but not a lot and the scale from what i remember just seems to be totally out, i don't think this map is playable without the 100% aircontrol anyway but add the Q4 clunkyness and it just feels wrong.
Not a bad job though, as mentioned somewhere else the napalm gun is something like the 2ndary fire on the flak in UT so it has a place in competative play, the nail i can see being used a lot more along with the hyper, the changes to those weapons really increase the variety of situations to use them in. I just wonder if the rail will continue to be dominant after people have gotten used to it.
Edited by Levi215 at 16:00 CDT, 31 July 2006 - 8128 Hits
Improve vQ3 (78 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 12:03 CDT, 22 July 2006 - iMsg
So after watching several demos and playing a few games, seeing the spam that goes on with grenades and so on i was wondering. Would making hit-sounds los only change it? We've done it in UT as we thought that it was unfair to have hitsounds out of line-of-sight because it gives you a better idea of where the enemy is due to the spam. Would this also reduce spamming?

Edited by Levi215 at 12:03 CDT, 22 July 2006 - 12211 Hits
Quake3 Demos (5 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 07:59 CDT, 21 July 2006 - iMsg
So CPL announces that it will use Q3 as it's game and suddenly there are masses of Q3 demos being posted.. wonder how long it will be before all the hype dies down.
2811 Hits
ISC 06: The Americans Speak (72 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 13:40 CDT, 19 July 2006 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 9.1 (16 votes)
This is the section which was removed from the PQ4 interview done by United States of America Slasher of the four american players, United States of America x6//cl0ck, United States of America xlo^Nomadic, United States of America coL.socrates and United States of America zEx|destrukt. The opinions given are those of the players not of anyone else associated with the video. They discuss Q4 and some of the benefits of Q3 and talk about how to develop the mods for a game and other possible games. They outline what gamers want and why they believe that it's worth while changing away from Q4. Certainly some well thought out points.

BE WARNED Levitation is currently throttled, downloads may not start immediately.
Edited by Levi215 at 04:15 CDT, 20 July 2006 - 37282 Hits
Bush and Blaire on informal politics. (4 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 04:44 CDT, 18 July 2006 - iMsg
Content from the BBC.

Bush: And thanks for the sweaters - I know you picked em out yourself...

Blair: Oh yes absolutely - in fact I knitted it!!!


Bush: What about Kofi Annan - he seems all right. I don't like his ceasefire plan. His attitude is basically ceasefire and everything sorts out.... But I think...

Blair: Yeah the only thing I think is really difficult is that we can't stop this without getting international presence agreed. I think what you guys have talked about which is the criticism of the [inaudible word]. I am perfectly happy to try and see what the lie of the land is, but you need that done quickly because otherwise it will spiral.

Bush: Yeah I think Condi's [US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice] gonna go soon.

Blair: Well that's all that matters but if you... You see at least it gets it going.

Bush: I agree it's a process...I told her your offer too.

Blair: Well it's only if she needs the ground prepared as it were. If she goes out she HAS to succeed whereas I can just go and...

Bush: You see the irony is what they need to is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit and it's all over...

Blair: Dunno... Syria....

Bush: Why?

Blair: Because I think this is all part of the same thing...

Bush: (with mouth full of bread) Yeah

Blair: Look - what does he think? He thinks if Lebanon turns out fine. If you get a solution in Israel and Palestine. Iraq goes in the right way

Bush: Yeah - he's [indistinct]

Blair: Yeah.... He's had it. That's what all this is about - it's the same with Iran

Bush: I felt like telling Kofi to call, to get on the phone to Assad and make something happen.

Blair: Yeah

Bush: [indistinct] blaming Israel and [indistinct] blaming the Lebanese government....

Edited by Levi215 at 04:44 CDT, 18 July 2006 - 6623 Hits
Prize money, where is it? (9 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 03:16 CDT, 14 July 2006 - iMsg
Ok so this is a regular occurance for me. I've noticed so many times that people are complaining about lack of money pay-outs. We see all these promises of cash prizes, but who actually gets it? Whats the % of transferes completed for prize money?

That's what Check6 did last year - they picked up the u96d EC winning team and finished 1st. Taking $25k.

Problem is, Quakecon have yet to pay out :/
4057 Hits
A380 Lemmings (4 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 04:50 CDT, 10 July 2006 - iMsg
An evacuation video from the new Airbus A380 managed to get 873 passengers and crew out of the plane in 78 seconds. A highly impressive feat.....

Check Here

Looks Like lemmings, except in reverse
2445 Hits
BLA (No comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 04:26 CDT, 22 June 2006 - iMsg
I've been involved in Esreality for quite a while, read the majority of the flames (and written a load myself), thoughts and opinions on the site which is the main reason for writing this piece. Inspired by other content on the site such as the Double Elimination post by Redeye; Let’s go massive by Flying DJ; the majority of articles by Vicious’ articles and more recently the slew of posts and articles regarding the newest member to gaming; WSVG. I begun writing this article quite a while ago, and since that time there have been so many posts along the same lines as what I was writing so I felt that I would also try to include the arguments voiced in these other posts (a list of links can be found below). Let’s start by taking a conceptual look at gaming and attempting to bring some conclusions and facts out of the soup in which we currently swim. Though I have to say I do diversify quite a lot in this article, looking at social and economical agenda’s and asking several poignant questions related to the medium of gaming. Rather than just looking at gaming I think we need to look at, to borrow from David Brent, the whole pie.

Redeye on Single Elimination
Redeye – Esports Are we there yet?
Redeye – On Winz
Vicious - Be here how
Article Page: 1, 2, 3, 4 || next page >>
Edited by Levi215 at 12:08 CDT, 11 July 2006 - 1647 Hits
Pandora (24 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 10:47 CDT, 18 June 2006 - iMsg
No not the gamer, but the on-line radio station. Developed by the music genome project it's a personalised web radio system. The idea is that all music has properties, 100's of them per song, like base, treble, bpm, vocal content and style etc. the list goes on.
All this information is then stored in a database and accessible by your good self. So the basic principle is this. You tell them a song you like, it's then searched in the db and played for you. Based on this song the site selects another song and plays it afterwards, you then have the opportunity to rate it good or bad, to further refine the input into the site as to what you like. It will take a while but the site will eventually play you songs you like. I've really found it useful for finding good none-mainstream music. Been playing it in the background for a couple of hours and it's noticibly getting better in it's selections. So i'd recommend you all go and check it out.
7036 Hits
SK Gaming They rock your world. (43 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 12:48 CDT, 31 May 2006 - iMsg
Check out the 1337 advertising stunt from SK.

It draws your eyes with the women (if male) then hits you with "hey buy our headset" it's just totally disconnected

Edited by Levi215 at 12:58 CDT, 31 May 2006 - 6050 Hits
CoD3 (9 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 23:02 CDT, 20 May 2006 - iMsg
Just seen on clanbase that CoD3 was announced for autumn 2006 i.e. in a few months? Less than a year after the release of CoD2? Just another example that gamers are big walking doller signs to the games developers?

2487 Hits
IC Drop from EC (28 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 12:59 CDT, 18 May 2006 - iMsg
Now that Ice Climbers have dropped from the EC due to lack of activity / players, what does this mean for the wider 'Team Game' community. It seems that 1v1 is taking over, and probably due to the fact that money is involved, does this just bolster the fact that a lot of people are playing only for money?

Personally i find teamgames more interesting than 1v1 games, and i also think that this would be the same of the 'general public' i.e. those not connected with gaming. Consider that the following of normal sports is usually based on the team sports rather than individual. Where are we going? The wrong way? This gamer thinks yes.
6073 Hits
CELERITAS by Sinex (36 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 11:56 CST, 22 March 2006 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 5.5 (27 votes)
All performances made by Bacchus. A dozen speedcapture cpm 2 (ie with weapon usage) world record, combined with a few nice single / runs of tricks (cpma of course).

I think this movie has a great flow with all those fast caps in good looking maps. The music selection is quite unusual, but I think it fits Celeritas's atmosphere.

Thanks to bacchus for an opportunity to make this vid. without his runs the movie would not exist. Thanks to great people like robkee (rbk), b3at for helping me with all kinds of problems.

So: Turn the volume up and put your hands together. Get this movie and enjoy!

Edited by Levi240 at 22:53 GMT, 22nd Mar 2006 - 38134 Hits
FPS Gaming Dying... (112 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 10:09 CST, 21 March 2006 - iMsg
See Topic and discuss, we've recently seen the WCVG (imo CPL2) team with Blizzard, CS isn't going away soon. The scope for 'global' starcraft and wc3 and the fan base is probably bigger with more $$ so if the theory of two gaming types (team and duel) continues, are we looking at the end of dueling in FPS games? Is Q4 the last nail in the coffin? Was PK the first nail in the coffin? Can UT2007 (i would summise this to be the next 'large' FPS to be release) revive duels or is this never going to happen?
19825 Hits
UT2004 Freestyle Jumps 2 (2 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 08:26 CST, 17 February 2006 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 4.5 (3 votes)
A New trick Jump movie by s23^Oleg_Razgul

This movie was made to present the trickjumps under the basic UT2004 without any other mods / mutators / cheats. The jumps are made on the original DM maps. The idea of making a movie came after making the demos to the Trickjump contest.
I added some more DM map tricks to my campgrounds contest demos.

Weighing in at 538 Mb it's a hefty download, but the action of 22 minutes is well worth it.

I hope you'll like it.
Edited by Levi215 at 14:26 GMT, 17th Feb 2006 - 10038 Hits
A Conceptual Look at Gaming (No comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 13:24 CST, 26 January 2006 - iMsg
These are just some thoughts and views about ‘Gaming’ in general. Its spectator qualities; how those can be overcome. What is required for the mainstream, and perhaps why the mainstream cannot adapt to this ‘new form’ of entertainment and therefore how the entertainment must be changed to conform to mainstream ideals. This article was inspired by the recent discussion on the GGL ranking system, particularly the views of JonJay and Red. (Reference 2)

Article Page: 1, 2, 3, 4 || next page >>
Edited by Levi215 at 20:45 GMT, 26th Jan 2006 - 1805 Hits
Hell -vs- Ser (No comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 12:30 CST, 14 January 2006 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: N/A
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Hell
Version info: Q4Max 0.71
How to play back Q4 demos

Demos on Phrantic and Galang
800 Hits
Levi\215 -vs- astz! (No comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 12:29 CST, 14 January 2006 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Duel
Map: Various Maps
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: Both
Version info: Q4Max 0.71
How to play back Q4 demos

Via Group Stages 215 vs astz, 3 maps

Phrantic (astz)
Galang (215)
Blip - decider
Edited by astz! at 18:44 GMT, 14th Jan 2006 - 978 Hits
epitaph - the movie (8 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 13:04 CST, 1 January 2006 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 5 (3 votes)
Movie by epitaph:

A quasi-followup to the original UT2004 movie I created, this movie contains footage from matches and scrimmages. Footage from Americup 1, Dayton Lanfest 4 and MillionManLan 4 was used. My goal was to create a movie that distinguished itself in some way from the rest of the UT2004 videos that have been released up to this point. The music is different, the introduction is wonderful (created by Base, see GNA: The Movie for more of his work) and the editing is simple. Recams are used, but in a very limited quantity.

Enjoy the movie and read the text file in the archive for more information.
Edited by Levi215 at 19:12 GMT, 1st Jan 2006 - 16387 Hits
Further Q4 Movies (51 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 18:20 CDT, 18 October 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 6.3 (6 votes)
Thanks to hemostick from #esreality for giving me a quick url to mirror from also to Slasher of for beginning the mirroring chain. These movies were posted on however download options from there are limited.

As is now mentioned in some of the comments on the sandstorm video it seems the guy does a "ramp jump" gaining height of the inclined surface, so it could be the double jump is in there. Just people haven't figured it out yet.... Some of the sounds of the jumps seem a bit lightweight too....

Here are some trickjump videos from Tchouky.
Edited by Levi215 at 12:49 GMT, 19th Oct 2005 - 57277 Hits
7th Day The Movie (23 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 21:06 CDT, 23 September 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.6 (8 votes)
The movie was designed to show the frags and skills of the players, it shows a wide variety of kills, Mid air flaks/bio/rockets
shock combo kills, combination kills with link and rocket launcher, double kills, multi's, amp runs, respawn kills, headshots
and many more.

I wanted to get into the action as quickly as possible, so dont really expect an intro, cause there isnt really one, as
i decided to scrap it in the end.

Have fun.
Edited by Levi240 at 14:08 GMT, 29th Jan 2006 - 20583 Hits
one-fate by Liquid (8 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 17:29 CDT, 23 September 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 5.3 (2 votes)
A movie by 1F liquid for UT2004.

Containg various Frags from CTF TDM and DM with an impressive flag run i guess it's up to you to judge it :)
Edited by Levi240 at 14:09 GMT, 29th Jan 2006 - 12100 Hits
CPL WT UK Videos (70 comments)
Posted by Levi215 @ 18:38 CDT, 20 September 2005 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 7.6 (11 votes)
The CPL videos were recently released by tsn. These are now available on or via the direct url's below...

Perhaps something good to come out of the WT stop in the UK. The videos include some interviews from the event along with some of the matches which went on. Both PK and Counterstrike.

I didn't know what EMS was and so google came up with it for me.

All the movies are now .rar

Thanks to Vo0 for the info on the videos.
Edited by Levi240 at 15:49 GMT, 22nd Sep 2005 - 98075 Hits
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