The final day of coverage was the best day. No more hiccups for the players. The net loop, while still lurking, was circumvented. We were the cause of one small issue... essentially at the start of the day, we had left a test stream running in our attempts to debug and help the contracted service provider improve the stream on When we went live, we were pushing 4 streams (HQ and LQ x 2) at once for a short while, which impacted stream quality. That was resolved quickly, though and we were back in business. It was time for teams to strap on their flag running shoes.

Boobs vs Loaded, TRILL vs fnatic and EG vs QUAD were on the morning's schedule. We had a lot of Quake Live to make up given the tournament delays. This meant some games that we had hoped to feature had to be played concurrently during other coverage. We did our best to pick the best lineups and get them out to the public.

We certainly picked some winners... one of the last games we broadcast was fnatic vs Loaded, which produced a glorious moment. The games kept getting better and better.

The plan for the day was to knock out CTF completely (up to the finals) and then start working away at the remaining duel matches. This would free up players like United States of America Shane "rapha" Hendrixson, who was still making his way through the brackets of both gametypes.

Center Stage
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