Edited by hello_world at 15:52 CST, 25 February 2016 - 62769 Hits
I'm impressed. Such list of FPS and multiplayer games, all that received praise in reviews and with such programming skills and experience.
Not. You got another syncerror there and that's the biggest name on the whole list. BTW before you say "but dude he worked on that star wars game", so it's not only a list of styling mediocre games, read what he did on that job.
Reflex's mapper is a guy that his mapping experience is game boy advance and n-gage games
, whereas Reborn at least has cityy on their side
and the map making tool is going to usable by the "community" so they can contribute too (Reflex's map editor is so simple that is gimmicky)
Blinking in an FPS game is a poor design choice, for reference please watch any high level UTCTF games, the teleport ability is just game breaking, and makes movement mechanics useless. Unless it has some long cool down it will be thoroughly abused, even then, the idea of immediately escaping the enemy with just the press of a button sounds unappealing.
Reverse time power-ups? Not really sure what that is?
Illusions? Seriously less effective when everyone has the same player/enemy model, and you can spray through them with mg/pg/rg. It's effective in DOTA because people can potentially waste nukes/spells, and more so are simple to manipulate due to the POV. How would you do that in an FPS? Would the illusions just follow you? (and thus give your position away) Or do they kinda swarm around you? (and thus block your fov).
Inverted rocket splash is a gimmick. It the's the difference between shooting in-front, or behind someone.
Classes, sliding, air control... that's something "new"?
especially considering if James goes to kickstarter, he will get needed sum of money in one day, not cancel the raise after a month.This 2gd - ain't this guy known and loved by DOTA elves?