The announcement of the games selection for the eswc ESWC 2011 a few weeks ago and for the ESL IEM 6th season today on ESL-World both had something sad in common: they don't feature Quake.

In both case there is no explanation given, and another game is more or less taking over the Quake slot: Counter-Strike: Source in ESWC, and Leagues of Legends in IEM.

I tried to contact ESWC to get a statement, but I didn't receive any reply so far. On Carmac's twitter, IEM's manager, it's also hard to see any explanation on this choice.

Quakelive is now left with 3 major LAN organizations: DreamHack, QuakeCon and ASUS.

Update: I finally got a reply from the new Head of Competition of Games Solutions, Netherlands Camille Versteeg, mostly known for his work as a CS admin during several tournaments.

Links: ESWC, ESL-World