"Our own personal enthusiasm for CPMA is what lead to us contracting arQon to work on Quake Live for such a long time during the beta period, and we could have continued to work with him if he had not vanished (and his whereabouts are still unknown, hopefully where ever he is he is safe and alive). The fact is, CPMA exists and any true CPM/CPMA fan probably would not be satisfied with anything less than the real deal -- which they already have to play. Most fear that a CPMA integration would segregate their community.
Concerning the mod, we've already added many of the fixes and features present in CPMA, from its fps independent fix, to competition commands like its 'timeout' ability, client customization like its colored bright skins, or its projectile smoke controls; gameplay changes like fast weapon switching, double jumping, ramp jumping...
While there is was a lot done within the CPMA framework, I would say that the two big remaining things would be the CPM air control physics and server-side demo aka MVD support. The CPM air control is just a concept based on how movement functioned in QuakeWorld, but I wouldn't personally be interested in any level of implementation that falls short of providing the exact feel that CPM fans are looking for. While cooperation with some existing CPMA coders may be possible, the legal owner of the CPMA code is missing making any cooperation between the two teams difficult if not impossible.
I think real fans of CPMA would rather just play CPMA, but if there are fans of Quake Live that would like to see further CPMA features in QL, it would do them a greater service if they specified what from CPMA they'd like to see."
Edited by BalkanFM at 12:25 CDT, 2 November 2011 - 28645 Hits