astonishingly enough, there are enough idiots who don't even get that.
i constantly rage at my team in ca.
there's also always the guy that survives his team with full health all the time. worst are the types that are actually decent players, yet still play for themselves. always gets me going in team chat.
although i disagree with it being ridiculed (people are entitled to play whatever they enjoy playing), i disagree even more when people say its a competitive gametype when this obviously has never been the case. you want a competitive gametype? try ctf, tdm, or duel.
Hahahaha CA what a joke of a mode! Yeah lots of newcomers and non subscription users find it fun and engaging enough. Some of them move to more complicated modes, buy subscription and keep the game running. Not to mention many high level players also enjoy it. I can TOTALLY see why it's laughable:] <newb clan arena rage>
You're my biggest fan. The sad part is I don't know you apart from being a scrub on exposed that whines about hacks in clan arena. Thanks for the admiration, regardless of being belated.
i remember back in the day of quake3, when ra3 players were the most frequent whiners and kids.
you couldnt play ra3 without at least 3 people being insufferable assholes.
It's fascinating how that has shifted, nowadays ca has the least dicks and tdm and duel is filled with a bunch of condescending loudmouth tools who think they are great.
newstime: nobody gives a shit about your opinion on a mode that the majority of people who play this game for fun enjoy most.
same thing with ffa, people play it because it's easy and fun. nobody cares that the selfproclaimed "elite" looks down on it
Edited by Notreallyamember at 08:57 CDT, 25 April 2012
RA3/3wave/CPMA were the only thing people were actively playing in Q3. 1.) TDM'ers act like dicks to newbies 2.) therefore newbies don't even try to TDM 3.) TDM'ers whine that no one plays TDM. Don't have a closed community? Don't stack teams? TDM'ers hurt their own community. They are also huge pussies which is why they refuse to play CA. Mob/asset whoring/denial + 4on1s = mad TDM skill. You can still mob like a bitch in CA can still play totally pussy. There is a place for you in CA. Notably buffing everyones DD and KD, but a place nonetheless.