Hello everyone :)
I would like to announce Quake3e there - it is my own client/server modification based on ioquake3.r1160 with upstream patches applied.
It can be downloaded from there
This modification aims to be fully compatible with all mods while trying to be fast, reliable and bug-free.
Key stuff from ioq3 team:
- fast server downloads + http/ftp client redirection
- countless security, performance and bug-fixes
- much improved autocompletion, persistent console command history
- \r_flares, \r_anaglyphMode, \r_greyscale, etc.
Modifications (mine and requested):
- highly optimized QVM (Quake Virtial Machine) for x86 CPU
- reworked win32-dedicated console
- unlagged (raw) mouse input with overflow protection
- additional bind keys (windows,scrollock etc), ability to press all keys [excl.Esc] during demo playback
- \in_minimize hotkey (easy hide/restore, win-only)
- keyboard behavior equal for windows and linux clients
- fast client-side downloads via smb (windows shares)
- server auto-restart for long non-stop game series
- GTV-compatibility switch (sv_levelTimeReset)
- improved gfx smoothness, hardened qvm filesystem layer
- some additional speed optimizations and bugfixes
- ALSA support
- \dlmap, \download - fast and easy map downloads from ws.q3df.org (by default)
- \cl_conColor [RRR GGG BBB AAA]
- \r_bloom
- some CPMA sound fixes
Windows version doesn't require any extra dlls to run, linux client may require libcurl/libasound for corresponding functionality
Have fun :)
Edited by Cyrax at 04:48 CDT, 3 November 2016 - 162380 Hits