Event: QC'12

Schedule: Passed
The third and last day of the QuakeCon 2012 is starting Saturday 4th around 12:30 CDT. This will conclude the tournaments with the Duel Masters finals, and the Open CTF and Duel finals.
For more informations, check the ESR QuakeCon 2012 Coverage post. Results and VODs links (no spoilers) will be added as soon as known. You can also check the tournament website.
Update: Still no VODs or demos available. Right now re-broadcasts of duel day 1 matches running in the stream. John Carmack Keynote is on YouTube.
Duel final VODs:

Streams: QuakeCon Official, QuakeCon Tournaments

Edited by xou at 13:37 CDT, 5 August 2012 - 206641 Hits
Rassum frassum